Social Justice Text Repository

This searchable repository was designed to help teachers easily find texts to include in social justice-oriented courses and lessons. 

Texts are available in Chinese, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish, and can be searched using one or more of the options below.

Text Primary Topic Themes Target Language Modality Grammar Vocabulary Other Textual Features
#YoSoyAsí Y que el Bullying no diga lo contrario Social media Bullying, Communication, Technology, Body, Health & wellness, Identity, Belonging Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense Slang, Technology, Internet, Communication, Body, Descriptive adjectives
100 Jahre Disney-Kinderfilme neu denken Leisure time activities Race, Bias, DEI, Gender, Representation German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Agreement, Passive voice, Word order, Prepositions Movies, Descriptive adjectives
5 francophones de l'Acadie ont un message pour le reste de la francophonie National identity Language, Bias, Discrimination French Audiovisual Conditional, Past tense, Word order, Conjugation, Reflexive Descriptive adjectives, Place Dialect, Multilingual, Code-switching
6,2 Millionen Deutsche können nicht richtig lesen und schreiben Education Education, DEI, Discrimination German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Word order, Interrogative, Present tense, Infinitive, Modal verbs Numbers, Education, Disability
6-Punkte-Plan für die sozial-gerechte Agrarwende und gutes Essen für alle! Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Labor, Agriculture, Access, Health & wellness, Food German Written Modal verbs, Attributive adjective Descriptive adjectives Photography
A giant crocodile spent five years with a tire around its neck but was rescued in the end Environment Animals, Environment Russian Written Safety, Time Direct speech
A new doctor came to Vedlozero where there hadn't been one for years Urban / rural life Health & wellness, Access Russian Audiovisual Modal verbs, Genitive case Health & wellness, Housing, Numbers
A survey on going home for the Lunar New Year Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Celebration, DEI, Health & wellness Mandarin Chinese Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Interrogative, Comparative Emotions, Health & wellness
Algérie : une ville écocitoyenne aux portes du Sahara Environment Access, Traditions, Housing, Environment, Disability French Audiovisual Agreement, Conjugation, Partitive articles Geography, Weather, Environment, Descriptive adjectives Dialect
Alt werden auf dem Land – Herausforderungen und Chancen Urban / rural life Disability, Access, Housing German Written Agreement, Comparative, Conjunctions Housing Captions
Alternativas saludables Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Food, Education Spanish Visual Interrogative, Agreement Food
América Solidaria 2022 - Trabajando por una niñez digna y justa Education Access, Education, Youth, Human rights Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Object, Present tense, Subjunctive Belonging
An interview with young Chinese in Malaysia: Do you speak dialects? Individual identity and belonging Language Mandarin Chinese Audiovisual Abilitative Place Dialect
Apps para cuidarnos y cuidar a las amigas Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) Violence, Feminism, Gender Spanish Visual Present tense, Object Technology, Safety, Relationships
Armut in der Schweiz Housing Housing, Socioeconomic class, Economy, DEI German Visual Prepositions, Dative case, Conjugation Housing, Finance, Work, Economy
Armut in der Schweiz Housing Housing, Socioeconomic class, Economy, DEI German Visual Prepositions, Dative case, Conjugation Housing, Finance, Work, Numbers
Así es el viaje de un migrante Immigration Human rights, Immigration, DEI, Race, Language Spanish Audiovisual Present tense
Así se ve también el gaslighting Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) Communication, Gender, Violence, Health & wellness, Relationships Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Indicative, Subjunctive, Conditional, Impersonal Relationships
Así será la celebración de la Revolución Mexicana Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Memory, Identity, Nationality Spanish Audiovisual Future tense Time, Technology, History, Work
Askıda Ekmek (Bread on the Hook) Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Suffix, Present progressive tense Shopping, Food Direct speech
Ausbau von Radwegen: klimafreundlich Leisure time activities Access, Environment, Economy, DEI, Socioeconomic class German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Infinitive, Subordinate clauses, Word order, Adjective ending, Prepositions, Prefixes Descriptive adjectives, Numbers, Compound words, Transportation
Autofahrer beschimpft & überschüttet Klimaaktivisten mit Joghurt Political systems / role of citizens Advocacy, Politics, Environment German Audiovisual Perfect tense Safety, Conflict, Time
Autofahrer dreht wegen Klima-Klebern durch Political systems / role of citizens Advocacy, Environment German Audiovisual Reflexive, Conjugation Slang, Emotions Informal register, Formal register
Avoir 15 ans sur une île de 377 habitants: la vie de Jeanne Urban / rural life Rural, Access, Bias, Travel, Transportation, Disability French Audiovisual Present tense, Infinitive Routine, Transportation, Geography, Place
Avoir 15 ans sur une île de 377 habitants: la vie de Jeanne Urban / rural life Rural, Access, Bias, Travel, Transportation, Disability French Audiovisual Present tense, Infinitive, Locative, Prepositions Routine, Transportation, Geography, Place
AYOTZINAPA - Día de los muertos Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Disappeared People, Advocacy, Human rights, Violence, Politics Spanish Audiovisual Past tense, Present tense, Reflexive, Agreement Academic language Music, Formal register
Baba beni okula gönder! (Dad, send me to school-educational campaign) Education Education, DEI, Gender, Bias Turkish Audiovisual Imperative, Optative, Case ending Family, Interjection, Numbers
Barbie- mehr als nur ein Spielzeug Clothing and fashion DEI, Gender, Discrimination, Human rights, Age German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Agreement, Past tense, Relative clauses, Word order, Prepositions Descriptive adjectives
Behinderten Menschen wird der Wunsch nach Sexualität abgesprochen Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) LGBTQIA+, Disability, Discrimination German Audio Infinitive, Prepositions, Dative case, Relative clauses Disability
Ben otizmli bir çocuğum (I am a child with autism) Education Disability, Identity, Advocacy Turkish Written Aorist tense, Abilitative, Case ending, Word order Preference, Routine
Benachteiligungen von Frauen im Sport Sports Discrimination, Gender, DEI German Written Conjunctions, Agreement, Passive voice Sports, Gender
Bénin, le vaudou à la fête Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Colonialism, Decolonization, Representation, Minority, Religion French Audiovisual Present tense, Past tense Religion
Beste Freundin gesucht: Wie Erwachsene echte Freundschaften entwickeln Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) Health & wellness, Age German Written Adjective ending, Relative clauses Numbers, Demography
Beziehungsmodelle damals und heute Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) Gender German Written Adjective ending, Genitive case Relationships, Values, Emotions
Bigger Than Us,' où quand la jeunesse se soulève Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Environment, Access French Written Reflexive, Past tense, Word order, Interrogative Descriptive adjectives, Geography
Bildungsgerechtigkeit Education DEI, Economy, Human rights, Socioeconomic class, Politics German Written Infinitive, Genitive case, Subordinate clauses, Modal verbs, Adjective ending Human rights, Law, Economy, Compound words, Descriptive adjectives
Bir Zamanlar Sulukule (Once Upon a Time Sulukule) Housing Minority, Economy, DEI, Housing, Identity Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Reflexive, Genitive case, Postpositions Housing, Urban, Place, Adverbs, Time
Birlikte Aşalım Tüm Engelleri (Let's overcome all barriers together) Education Language, Advocacy, Disability, Education, DEI Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Optative, Case ending Access, Disability
Biz çöp değiliz. (We are not garbage) Environment Environment Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Negation, Marking, Suffix, Word order Descriptive adjectives
Black Chernobyl liquidator talks about the catastrophe, the HBO show, and racism Environment Environment, Representation, Minority, Race, Identity, Media Russian Audiovisual Conditional, Present tense Biography, Technology
Black Russian: How do Black Russians live? National identity Race, Minority, Belonging, Ethnicity, Identity Russian Audiovisual Participles, Infinitive, Conjugation Race, Ethnicity, Emotions, Adverbs List
Bullying, addiction, war, feminism: What topics interest modern schoolkids? Education Bullying, Health & wellness, Feminism, Gender, War Russian Written Past tense, Conjugation, Infinitive Health & wellness, Harassment, Safety, Numbers
Calaverita a Frida Kahlo Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays DEI, Gender Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Past tense, Agreement Descriptive adjectives
Calaverita por Ayotzinapa Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Violence, Disappeared People Spanish Written Past tense Synonym Figurative
Çalışan Kadınlar: Marangoz (Working Women: Carpenter) Careers / professions Bias, Gender, Labor, Identity Turkish Audiovisual Past tense, Present tense Routine, Work, Family, Housing Direct speech
Çalışan Kadınlar: Taksici (Working Women: Taxi driver) Careers / professions Gender, Labor, Bias Turkish Audiovisual Past tense, Present tense Transition words, Work, Routine, Gender Captions, Direct speech
Campaña publicitaria sobre niños inmigrantes Immigration DEI, Human rights, Immigration Spanish Visual Past tense, Conditional, Subjunctive, Imperative, Conjugation Immigration
Candombe de resistencia Family Slavery, Discrimination, Race, Access, Education, Diaspora Spanish Written Past tense, Conditional, Agreement Family, Work, Nation
Casi un tercio de los alimentos producidos se pierde o desperdicia globalmente Environment Access, Food, Environment Spanish Written Present tense, Agreement Environment, Human rights Social media, Photography, Captions, Multilingual
Çevresel Sürdürülebilirlik (Environmental Sustainability) Environment Advocacy, Environment Turkish Audiovisual Optative, Suffix, Accusative case, Possessive, Suffix Environment, Food
Chinese Women Journal Individual identity and belonging Gender, Bias Mandarin Chinese Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Negation Gender
Comment profiter de la plage quand on est Clothing and fashion Health & wellness, Bias, Body French Audiovisual Past tense, Conditional, Imperative Health & wellness, Time, Clothing
Cómo mejorar el acceso a los alimentos saludables Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food Spanish Written Progressive tense, Present tense Food
Conoce cómo estudiantes de Duoc UC acercan la salud a la comunidad Education Access, Health & wellness, Rural Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense Health & wellness
Conspiracy theorists on the internet are trying to convince people there is no war in Ukraine Social media Bias, Media Russian Written Relative clauses Internet, Communication
Continúa la llegada de immigrantes Immigration Immigration, Access, Food, Politics Spanish Visual Present tense, Reflexive Geography Figurative, Dialect
Contribuciones de los afrodescendientes a la historia y la cultura de Perú National identity Representation, Race, Minority, Diaspora Spanish Audiovisual Present perfect tense Family, Identity Music
Cuando nos sentimos molestos quizás estamos escondiendo otras emociones Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) Health & wellness, Bias Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Relative pronouns Emotions Social media, Photography, Captions
Cuisiner autochtone, le défi des ingrédients Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food, Indigenous French Audiovisual Causative, Cleft sentences, Word order, Negation, Partitive articles, Definite articles Possessive adjective, Food, Indigenous, Transition words Informal register
D'innombrables voyages Immigration Race, Bias, Immigration, Language, Access, DEI, Disability French Audio Present tense, Conjugation, Past tense, Interrogative Transition words, Descriptive adjectives Geography, Travel, Housing, Adverbs
Découvrir les cultures autochtones du parc Stanley depuis son téléphone Technology and innovation Colonialism, History, Indigenous, Representation French Written Future tense, Agreement, Relative pronouns Descriptive adjectives, Travel
Demokratie - Wer hat in Deutschland das Sagen? Political systems / role of citizens Politics, Freedom German Audiovisual Modal verbs, Prepositions Politics, Compound words Captions
Des jeuesses dans le chaos, avec Sepideph Farsi et Marusya Syroechkovskaya Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Immigration, Feminism, Gender, War, Politics, Media French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Agreement, Prepositions, Locative Descriptive adjectives, Adverbs
Deshalb ist ein Eis so teuer! Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Labor, Cost of living, Food German Audiovisual Object, Conjunctions, Perfect tense Numbers, Cost of living, Transition words
Desiertos de comida en Estados Unidos Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food, Socioeconomic class Spanish Visual Declarative Descriptive adjectives, Demography, Numbers Map
Detrás del aguacate hay un paisaje seco Environment Immigration, Colonialism, Environment, Food, Access, Labor, Socioeconomic class, Media, Politics Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Agreement, Word order, Past tense Geography, Food, Numbers, Transition words Article, Photography
Día Nacional de los y las afroargentinas y la cultura Afro - Altavoz National identity Identity, Representation, Race, Diaspora Spanish Audiovisual Past tense, Present tense History, Nation
Diálogos afrodescendientes sobre pueblos tribales National identity Discrimination, Race, Diaspora, Representation, Access, Economy Spanish Audiovisual Present tense, Past tense Human rights, Family, Identity, History, Food, Nation
Die Loreley-ein Märchen aus uralten Zeiten? Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays DEI, Gender, Education German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Agreement, Passive voice, Past tense, Perfect tense, Modal verbs, Prepositions Descriptive adjectives, Geography, Environment
Die Special Olympics World Games 2023 in Berlin Sports DEI, Disability German Audio Prepositions, Prefixes Numbers, Time
Die Teilung Deutschlands nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg History Socioeconomic class, Economy, DEI, Freedom, Travel, Human rights German Audiovisual Passive voice, Prepositions, Prefixes Conflict, Nation, Economy, Politics, Law, Numbers, Time, Nominalization
Diese Künstler*innen protestieren mit ihren Werken gegen Rassismus Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Violence, Representation, Race, Economy, Housing German Written Infinitive, Adjective ending Internet, Communication, Art
Difficile de 'sintégrer à Québec ? 2e génération Immigration Belonging, Race, Bias, Nationalism French Audiovisual Present tense, Past tense, Interrogative, Prepositions Numbers, Descriptive adjectives
Diktatur? Nein Danke! Political systems / role of citizens Human rights, Politics German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Relative pronouns Numbers Data visualization
Documentary: Komşu Komşu huu! Trailer (Neighbour, neighbor, yoo hoo) Housing Identity, Housing, DEI, Socioeconomic class Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Dative case, Past tense, Compound tense, Postpositions, Conditional, Suffix, Interrogative Place, Descriptive adjectives, Environment, Family, Adverbs, Interjection, Nominalization, Adverbs Documentary
Doppelpass in Deutschland wird erleichtert National identity Labor, Nationality, Freedom, Travel, Immigration German Written Modal verbs, Passive voice, Reflexive Law, Politics, Geography
Ein Überblick: Die Geschichte der Abtreibung in Deutschland History Feminism, Gender, Health & wellness German Written Passive voice, Prefixes, Relative pronouns Law, Politics, Advocacy, Health & wellness
Eine Regenbogengeschichte History LGBTQIA+, Human rights, DEI, Gender, Health & wellness German Written Dative case, Reflexive History, Politics, Identity
El arte no es para los pobres Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) DEI, Socioeconomic class, Access, Education, Advocacy Spanish Visual Object, Reflexive Fashion
El arte no es para los pobres Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) DEI, Advocacy, Access, Education Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Object, Reflexive Fashion
El comedor de Julián Health, wellness, and well-being Health & wellness, Youth Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Imperative, Conjugation Food, Health & wellness, Education Informal register
El diseñador de Francia Márquez y el mensaje detrás de sus prendas Clothing and fashion DEI, Representation, Race, Diaspora Spanish Audiovisual Past tense, Present tense Clothing, Fashion Dialect
El emigrante siempre tiene el corazón partido entre el pasado que se fue y el presente que no acaba de llegar Immigration DEI, Race, Human rights, Immigration, Language Spanish Visual Present tense
El futuro es marrón, y es ahora National identity DEI, Representation, Indigenous Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Agreement, Interrogative Communication, Art, Descriptive adjectives, Identity, Nation Photography, Social media
El mueble de las fotos Individual identity and belonging Human rights, LGBTQIA+, Belonging, DEI, Relationships Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Prepositions, Gerund, Locative, Conjugation Family, Numbers, Age, Event
El mueble de las fotos Individual identity and belonging Human rights, LGBTQIA+, Belonging, Relationships Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Prepositions, Gerund, Locative Family, Numbers, Age, Event
El poder en ti Individual identity and belonging DEI, Disability Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Prepositions Fashion, Personality
Emma Dabiri, autora de 'No me toques el pelo': “El cabello afro sigue estigmatizado” Individual identity and belonging Race, Bias, LGBTQIA+, Body Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Past tense, Passive voice Fashion, Body, Race
Enterre-moi, mon amour Immigration Immigration, War French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Interrogative, Past tense, Imperative, Reflexive Travel, Descriptive adjectives, Geography, Directions Code-switching
Enterre-moi, mon amour Immigration Immigration, War French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Interrogative, Past tense, Present tense, Reflexive Descriptive adjectives, Geography, Transit Multilingual
Entrevue en 2016 avec Kim Thúy, écrivaine québécoise d'origine vietnamienne Immigration Immigration, War, Multiculturalism, Language, Belonging French Audiovisual Present tense, Past tense, Word order Descriptive adjectives, Adverbs
Environmental Activism in Art Environment Environment, Animals, Advocacy Turkish Visual Genitive case, Accusative case, Suffix, Imperative Environment, Animals, Compound words
Épisode 4. Un déjeuner de spaghetti à l’haïtienne pour Benchelle Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Food, Traditions, Immigration French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Future tense, Partitive articles, Definite articles Food, Quantity, Possessive adjective Recipe
Era yo Individual identity and belonging Discrimination, Bullying Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Conjugation, Imperative Slang, Body, Health & wellness Informal register
Eres mi mundo Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) Gender, Bias, Relationships, Representation, Race Spanish Visual Present tense, Object Relationships
Error de atribución fundamental Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) Bias, Discrimination Spanish Visual Present tense Relationships
Erst als ich aus meinem Heimatdorf wegzog, verstand ich, was dort vor sich geht Urban / rural life Bias, Race, Nationalism German Written Perfect tense, Modal verbs, Past tense, Conjugation DEI Direct speech
Escuela de modelos indígenas Individual identity and belonging Fashion, Indigenous, Minority, Discrimination, Clothing, Belonging Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Present tense Clothing, Education, Fashion, Indigenous
ESDLB #307 Lila Downs Family Health & wellness, Freedom, Gender, Bias Spanish Audiovisual Conjugation, Imperative, Past tense Emotions Informal register
Esto no es un lujo, ni un premio Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Food Spanish Visual Declarative, Negation Food
Etiquetas con orgullo Individual identity and belonging LGBTQIA+, Representation, Belonging Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Prepositions, Present tense, Subjunctive DEI, Travel
Ewige Chemikalien-Gefahr für Natur und Mensch Environment Environment, Health & wellness German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Perfect tense, Modal verbs, Subordinate clauses, Conditional, Prefixes Science, Environment, Health & wellness
Factsheet: La Diabetes en las Américas Health, wellness, and well-being Health & wellness Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Future tense, Present perfect tense, Passive voice Numbers, Health & wellness
Fair Trade Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) DEI, Economy, Agriculture, Labor, Environment German Written Subordinate clauses, Word order, Infinitive Business, Shopping, Gender Captions
Fair Trade - Was bedeutet gerechter Handel? Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) DEI, Economy, Environment, Agriculture German Audiovisual Comparative Housing, Work, Economy, Food
Familia - Benito Juárez, defensor de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas History Human rights, Indigenous Spanish Audiovisual Past tense, Gerund, Present tense Indigenous, Human rights, Law
Fast Fashion Clothing and fashion Economy, DEI, Violence, Environment, Human rights, Socioeconomic class German Written Comparative, Subordinate clauses, Word order, Relative clauses, Infinitive Fashion Cognates, Loanwords
Fast Fashion versus grüne Mode Clothing and fashion Human rights, Environment, Economy, DEI, Socioeconomic class German Written Passive voice, Comparative, Superlative, Prepositions Fashion, Descriptive adjectives, Environment, Adverbs
Fespaco : marché du film africain, les acteurs du secteur se rencontrent à Ouagadougou Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Infrastructure, Access, Disability French Audiovisual Present tense, Past tense, Word order, Partitive articles Technology, Movies, Adverbs
FESPAD Christmas Message Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Advocacy, Disappeared People, Human rights Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present perfect tense, Future tense, Present tense, Subjunctive, Conjunctions Human rights, Adverbs
Folgen des Klimawandels Environment Environment, Food, Access German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Perfect tense, Future tense, Subordinate clauses, Conditional, Prepositions Descriptive adjectives Numbers, Compound words, Abbreviation, Environment Data visualization
Frases machistas en el trabajo Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) Gender, Bias, Violence Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Interrogative, Conjugation, Object Appearance List, Informal register
Frauenrechte in Deutschland History DEI, Gender, Feminism, Voting, Politics German Written Passive voice, Present tense Time, Law, Politics
Games for change : jeux vidéo et responsabilité sociétale Technology and innovation Immigration, Representation, Feminism, Gender French Written Gerund, Word order, Present tense Descriptive adjectives, Transition words, Adverbs
Geçinemeyenler (Those who can not make ends meet) Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food, Economy, DEI, Socioeconomic class Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present progressive tense, Word order, Interrogative Food, Adverbs
Geçinemeyenler, 6 (Those who can not make ends meet, episode 6) Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Abilitative, Possessive, Postpositions, Word order, Suffix Food
Geçinemeyenler, 7.Bölüm (Those who can not make ends meet, Episode 7) Housing Access, Cost of living, Housing, Socioeconomic class, DEI Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Genitive case, Suffix, Word order, Participles Descriptive adjectives, Housing
Gemeinsam aktiv gegen Gewalt Immigration Immigration, Violence, Gender, Feminism German Written Noun case, Reflexive Time, Place, Numbers
Generación sin límites - Nuestro tiempo. Nuestro turno. Nuestro futuro Education Access, Education, Labor Spanish Audiovisual Conjugation, Possessive pronouns Numbers, Education, Descriptive adjectives
Gentrifizierung - einfach erklärt Urban / rural life Urban, Housing German Audiovisual Attributive adjective Descriptive adjectives, Urban
Geschichte der Türken in Deutschland National identity Ethnicity, Nationality, Immigration, Labor, Freedom, Religion German Written Genitive case, Adjective ending, Past tense Geography, Education, Conflict
Gewalt gegen Lehrkräfte nimmt zu Education DEI, Socioeconomic class, Discrimination, Economy German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Passive voice, Perfect tense, Word order, Subordinate clauses, Modal verbs, Comparative, Superlative Numbers, Transition words, Safety, Education, Safety
Glanz und Elend - Kunst in der Weimarer Republik Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Freedom, DEI, War, Feminism, Gender German Audiovisual Relative clauses, Passive voice, Past tense, Adjective ending History, Art, Entertainment, Politics
Gobierno beneficia a familias de Nuevo Cuscatlán con entrega de viviendas Housing Politics, Housing Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Past tense Housing, Emotions, Politics
Habibi, les révolutions d'amour Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) LGBTQIA+, DEI French Written Agreement, Prepositions Descriptive adjectives, Adverbs
Hacettepe'de vegan menu istiyoruz! (We want vegan menu at Hacettepe) Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Food, Advocacy, Minority, DEI Turkish Written Suffix, Word order, Locative Food, Color
Hands of an Elder Leisure time activities Indigenous, Representation, Identity, Language French Audiovisual Present tense, Partitive articles Environment, Art, Time Multilingual
Hands of an Elder Leisure time activities Indigenous, Representation, Identity, Language French Audiovisual Present tense, Partitive articles Environment, Art, Time Multilingual
Hat der Wintersport noch eine Zukunft? Environment Environment German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Future tense, Modal verbs, Conditional, Agreement, Prepositions Descriptive adjectives, Compound words, Adverbs
Haus im Grünen: Das sind die begehrtesten Wohnorte rund um Wien Housing Cost of living, Housing, Access, Health & wellness German Superlative, Prepositions, Dative case, Word order Geography, Numbers
Homeless Entrepreneur o cómo salir de la calle aprovechando el talento Housing Housing, Labor, Economy, Volunteer Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Object, Present tense, Causative Work, Business, Housing
Hongkongers in Beijing who Refuse to Go Back Immigration Colonialism, Identity Mandarin Chinese Audiovisual Comparative Time, Politics
I don't like the city and say it straight away': How does the youth live in the country Urban / rural life Education, Labor, Access, Infrastructure Russian Written Relative clauses, Modal verbs, Infinitive, Past tense, Imperfective verbs Education, Religion
Identität und Ethnizität: Bundesbürger mit russlanddeutschem Migrationshintergrund National identity Identity, Language, Ethnicity, Nationality, Immigration, Labor German Written Genitive case, Prepositions, Dative case, Relative clauses Politics, Demography, Nation
Importancia de la Revolución Mexicana History Politics, Human rights Spanish Audiovisual Past tense, Subjunctive Academic language, Values Formal register
Influencers' indígenas usan redes sociales para preservar tradiciones y defender derechos Social media Indigenous, Internet, Human rights Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Present perfect tense Internet, Communication, Indigenous
Innenstädte im Wandel Leisure time activities Economy, DEI, LGBTQIA+, Representation, Environment, Socioeconomic class, Race German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Agreement, Relative clauses, Prepositions Shopping, Business, Housing, Urban, Compound words, Descriptive adjectives
Inseguridad alimentaria: causas y consequencias Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food, Environment Spanish Visual Agreement Health & wellness
Istanbul Kent Lokantaları (Istanbul City Restaurants) Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food, Economy, Feminism, Gender Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Food, Descriptive adjective, Compound words Menu
İstanbul'un Bedeli, 2.Bölüm: Mavi Yakalı (The Cost of İstanbul, Episode 2: Blue Collar) Housing Economy, DEI, Socioeconomic class, Cost of living, Housing Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Genitive case, Suffix Housing, Cost of living, Compound words
James Hemings, d'esclave à père fondateur de la cuisine américaine Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Slavery, History, Representation French Written Present tense, Conditional, Future tense Food, Slavery, Transition words Article
Job Ad for Project Teammate Careers / professions Access, Labor, Disability, Gender, Identity Turkish Written Word order, Participles Descriptive adjectives, Work, Disability, Identity, Gender Advertisement
Job posting for carpenter (marangoz) Careers / professions Discrimination, Gender, Age Turkish Written Case ending, Participles Descriptive adjectives, Work
Junge Polen in Deutschland: Polnisch-Deutsch – Alltagstauglich? National identity Minority, Bias, Language German Audiovisual Conditional, Comparative Tradition, Geography, Family
Kağıt toplayan Enes ve Ferhat'ın hayat mücadelesi (The struggle for life of paper collectors Enes and Ferhat) Education Youth, Economy, DEI, Rural, Access, Education, Socioeconomic class Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Modal verb, Suffix Routine, Family, Work
Karneval-ein Fest mit langer Tradition Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Discrimination, Human rights, DEI, Gender German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Agreement, Interrogative, Word order, Past tense Event, History, Tradition, Religion, Celebration
Kitcisakik : vivre dans la forêt, sans eau courante, en 2018 Urban / rural life Immigration, Indigenous, Representation, Food, Access, Environment, Health & wellness, Technology French Audiovisual Infinitive, Present tense, Conjugation, Interrogative, Object Geography, Descriptive adjectives
Klimawandel: Entstehung und Folgen Environment Environment, Food German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Adjective ending, Reflexive, Future tense, Prefixes Compound words, Environment, Place, Geography Data visualization
L'Histoire de Nos Aïeux History Representation, Indigenous, History, Traditions French Audiovisual Past tense, Conditional, Agreement, Interrogative, Object Descriptive adjectives, Geography, Environment, Animals, Adverbs, Family
L'histoire du drapeau de l'Algérie National identity Nationalism, Immigration, Diaspora, Multiculturalism French Audiovisual Past tense, Future tense Nation, Numbers, Color
La apariencia falsa en las redes sociales Health, wellness, and well-being Health & wellness Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Imperative, Conjugation Communication, Internet, Health & wellness
La educación transforma vidas Education Access, Education, DEI Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Subjunctive Numbers, Education
La energía solar empodera a las comunidades rurales en Perú Environment Access, Infrastructure, Environment Spanish Audiovisual Present tense, Agreement Environment, Geography, Technology Captions
La Journée nationale des peuples autochtones et le solstice d’été Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Celebration, Indigenous, Decolonization French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Superlative Time, Tradition, Indigenous
La Llorona', una película que combina terror con política Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Violence, Memory, Race, Politics Spanish Audiovisual Past tense, Present tense DEI, Movies Formal register
La Ruta de la Luz Housing Housing, Rural, Access Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Past tense Environment, Housing, Technology, Health & wellness
La SEGIB reafirma su compromiso con una Iberoamérica más verde Environment Environment Spanish Audiovisual Present tense, Agreement Environment Multilingual, Captions
La zéro déchet avec Melissa de La Fontaine Environment Environment French Audiovisual Cleft sentences, Conjugation, Negation Transition words, Descriptive adjectives, Housing, Environment
Las familias refugiadas enriquecen y revitalizan pueblos de la España vaciada Family Immigration Spanish Audiovisual Past tense Access, Housing, Work, Health & wellness
Las olas migratorias a Estados Unidos History Immigration, DEI, Nationality Spanish Written Past tense, Subordinate clauses Academic language Formal register
Lasst uns über Rassismus sprechen Immigration Race, Immigration, Belonging German Written Imperative, Interrogative Advertisement
Le colombo de poulet guadeloupéen Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Food, Decolonization, Race, Diaspora French Audiovisual Impersonal, Conjugation, Partitive articles Food, Quantity, Environment Photography
Le quartier chinois de Montréal History Immigration, Belonging, Identity French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Pluperfect tense Descriptive adjectives, Geography, Numbers
Le racisme ordinaire, c'est leur quotidien National identity Race, Gender, DEI, Nationalism French Audiovisual Present tense, Past tense, Conditional Descriptive adjectives, Adverbs
Lehrermangel in Deutschland Education Education, Discrimination, Immigration German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Subordinate clauses, Present tense, Future tense, Prefixes Numbers, Education, Work
Les milles et un visages de la jeunesse marocaine photographiés par M'hammed Kilito National identity LGBTQIA+, Representation, Bias French Written Present tense, Agreement, Word order, Reflexive Descriptive adjectives
Les milles et un visages de la jeunesse marocaine photographiés par M'hammed Kilito National identity Immigration, Labor, Housing, LGBTQIA+, Representation, Race, Bias French Written Object, Gerund, Present progressive tense, Prepositions Appearance, Descriptive adjectives, Art, Internet, Communication
LGBT+, une histoire queer History LGBTQIA+, DEI French Audio Past tense, Pluperfect tense, Reflexive Descriptive adjectives
Life is Strange,' le jeu vidéo français qui a ému les joueurs à travers le monde Technology and innovation Health & wellness, Bullying French Written Agreement, Word order, Past tense Descriptive adjectives, Transition words
Lista de canciones del Día del Orgullo LGBTIQ+ en español Individual identity and belonging LGBTQIA+ Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Future tense, Past tense, Present tense, Conjugation LGBTQIA+, Event, Advocacy
Madis Kallas: If rural life fades, cities will suffer too Urban / rural life Access, Labor, DEI, Population Russian Written Reflexive, Subordinate clauses, Genitive case Time, Directions, Service, Infrastructure
Manizha launched Instagram campaign about women who took part in her Eurovision Performance. The women answer the question: Who is a Russian woman National identity Ethnicity, Minority, LGBTQIA+, Identity, Multiculturalism Russian Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Relative clauses, Impersonal Nation, Personality
Mariana Terán: La TikToker que abre la conversación sobre consumo responsable Environment Environment, Access Spanish Written Past tense, Agreement, Present tense Environment, Human rights, Fashion
Más mujeres en bicicleta: una política de transporte urbano en favor de la salud y la igualdad Health, wellness, and well-being Gender, Health & wellness, Feminism, Violence, Environment Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Present perfect tense, Past tense, Infinitive Health & wellness, Safety, Transportation, Environment, Numbers
Matvienko urged the young to move to from the cities to the rural areas Urban / rural life Population, Internet, Health & wellness, Rural, Bias Russian Written Relative clauses, Infinitive Quantity, DEI Direct speech
Menschenwürdig leben in der Stadt Urban / rural life Housing German Written Agreement, Infinitive Descriptive adjectives List
Mexicanos en Hollywood: ¿inclusión o ganan terreno en el cine? Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Representation, Race, Identity, Nationality Spanish Written Past tense, Present perfect tense, Subjunctive Movies, Race Article, Figurative
México Antiguo Parte 22 National identity Diaspora, Identity, Representation, Race Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Reflexive Time, Numbers Social media, Photography, Captions
Mi aula específica: Dia de la Justicia Social Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Education Spanish Visual Declarative, Infinitive Time
Mi aula específica: Día de la Justicia Social Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Education Spanish Visual Declarative, Infinitive, Future tense Education
Migranten oder Geflüchtete? Immigration Human rights, Housing, Economy, DEI, Politics German Audiovisual Negation, Modal verbs Immigration
Migrantes latinos se manifiestan contra la nueva ley de migración de Florida Immigration Human rights, Immigration, Access, Health & wellness, Economy, DEI, Race Spanish Written Past tense, Present tense Economy, Law
Modedesigner Karl Lagerfeld ist tot Clothing and fashion Gender, Identity, Discrimination, DEI German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Subordinate clauses, Agreement, Word order Descriptive adjectives, Geography, Biography, Fashion, Time, Adverbs
Mon premier jour en France - Épisode 10: Sono Immigration Bias, Belonging French Audiovisual Past tense, Present tense, Impersonal Transition words, Descriptive adjectives
Mon premier jour en France - Épisode 12 : Roukiata Ouedrago Immigration Belonging French Audiovisual Past tense, Conjugation Descriptive adjectives, Work, Adverbs
Museen dürfen nicht zu Rassismus schweigen Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Race, Colonialism German Written Infinitive, Relative pronouns Transition words, Art, History Indirect speech
Museumsbesuch auf Rezept Leisure time activities Health & wellness, Economy, DEI, Socioeconomic class German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Infinitive, Perfect tense, Modal verbs, Future tense, Prefixes Health & wellness, Art
Nace Dolores Huerta History DEI, Gender, Race, Economy, Labor Spanish Written Past tense Descriptive adjectives
Naomi Fontaine : l'identité innue au coeur de l'écriture National identity Identity, Indigenous, Representation French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Agreement, Interrogative, Object Geography, Descriptive adjectives
Naomi Fontaine: l'identité innue au coeur de l'écriture National identity Identity, Colonialism, Minority, Language, Indigenous, Representation French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Subordinate clauses, Agreement Indigenous, Geography, Environment, Family, Descriptive adjectives
Neue alte Märchen Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays DEI, Gender, Bias, LGBTQIA+, Relationships German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Relative clauses, Prepositions, Passive voice, Participles, Prefixes Descriptive adjectives, Adverbs
Nicht nur für Kinder: die Barbie Clothing and fashion DEI, Gender, Age, Environment German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Subjunctive, Modal verbs, Relative clauses, Agreement, Reflexive Work, Fashion, Descriptive adjectives
No es demasiado tarde: Acción climática dirigida por mujeres y a favor de ellas Environment Environment, DEI, Gender, Immigration, Socioeconomic class Spanish Audiovisual Prepositions, Infinitive, Agreement Environment
No se trata solamente del pelo, es una afirmación de identidad Clothing and fashion Race, Bias, Discrimination Spanish Written Past tense, Agreement Identity, Values
No to Bullying Education Bullying, Education, Belonging Russian Audiovisual Imperative, Dative case, Impersonal Emotions, Color, Harassment, Adverbs, Education
No, las mujeres no nos tenemos que “dar a respetar” Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) DEI, Gender, Violence, Feminism Spanish Written Reflexive, Object, Interrogative Relationships, Art Captions
Notre visage à l'ehure des réseaux sociaux, Par Marion Zilio Technology and innovation Technology, Body, Health & wellness French Audiovisual Past tense, Word order, Prepositions, Reflexive Descriptive adjectives, Transition words History
Nuestro País Family Immigration Spanish Audiovisual Past tense Family, Immigration, Emotions
On a passé le test de français pour l'immigration Immigration Language, Access, Belonging, Immigration, Disability, DEI French Audio Reflexive, Agreement, Past tense, Conjugation Descriptive adjectives, Transition words
Onlinedating mit Behinderung: "Wann sage ich es?" Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) Disability, Relationships German Written Interrogative, Infinitive, Relative pronouns Relationships, Internet
Örnek CV Detay (Sample CV Detail) Careers / professions Access, Labor, Disability, Identity, Gender Turkish Written Infinitive, Suffix Descriptive adjectives, Identity, Disability, Relationships, Family, Nation, Education, Compound words, Gender
Parle-t-on encore français au Vietnam ? History Colonialism, Language French Audiovisual Past tense, Present tense, Interrogative, Conjugation Descriptive adjectives, Geography
Pazar mı? Market mi? Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Cost of living, Food Turkish Audiovisual Interrogative, Object, Marking, Ablative case, Accusative case, Case ending, Comparative Food, Descriptive adjectives Interview
Pazar mı? Market mi? (Bazaar or market?) Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food Turkish Audiovisual Comparative, Interrogative, Ablative case, Accusative case Preference, Food, Descriptive adjectives
Plastikmüll- ein ganz normales Handelsgut? Environment Violence, Environment, Economy German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Future tense, Subordinate clauses, Relative clauses, Word order, Infinitive Economy, Environment
Por el conflicto en Jujuy, volvieron a parar los docentes en la Ciudad Education Human rights, Labor, Access, Education Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Past tense Advocacy, Work, Education, Numbers
Pourquoi Kigali est l'une des villes les plus propres d'Afrique Environment Environment French Audiovisual Past tense, Agreement, Present tense Environment, Descriptive adjectives, Adverbs
Pourquoi Kigali est l'une des villes les plus propres d'Afrique Environment Environment French Audiovisual Word order, Present tense Environment, Transition words
POV: la beauté n’est pas une question de taille Clothing and fashion DEI, Bias, Body French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Relative pronouns, Indefinite pronouns, Cleft sentences, Reflexive, Conjunctions, Subjunctive Descriptive adjectives, Emotions
Problemvierel in Deutschland: keine Ghettos, aber soziale Spannung Urban / rural life DEI, Urban, Cost of living, Housing German Written Relative clauses Geography, Urban, Adverbs
Pueblos Indígenas Environment Human rights, Indigenous, Environment Spanish Written Word order, Agreement Indigenous, Human rights Social media, Photography, Captions, Multilingual
Queere Themen in Kunst, Film und Literatur Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) LGBTQIA+, Representation, Bias, Media German Written Past tense, Passive voice LGBTQIA+, Entertainment, Art, Movies
Quel pays possède la meilleure performance environnementale ? Environment Environment, Infrastructure French Audiovisual Agreement, Present tense, Partitive articles Descriptive adjectives, Geography, Nation
Quitter la ville pour la campagne : pas toujours facile à s'intéger Urban / rural life Socioeconomic class, Housing, Cost of living, Transportation French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Past tense, Conjugation Transition words, Descriptive adjectives, Transportation, Housing
Quitter Paris : les raisons de l'exode Urban / rural life Socioeconomic class, Health & wellness, Access, Environment, Housing French Audiovisual Reflexive, Past tense, Present tense, Prepositions Geography, Housing, Descriptive adjectives
Rave the Planet in Berlin Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Environment, Race, Gender, LGBTQIA+, DEI German Written Past tense, Infinitive, Relative clauses Transition words, Time, Music, Event
Rechtsradikal und rechtsextrem einfach erklärt Political systems / role of citizens Politics, Nationalism German Audiovisual Reflexive, Subordinate clauses, Word order Personality
René (Calle 13): “Algunos ilusos como yo creemos que podemos cambiar el mundo con la música” Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) Gender, Advocacy, Politics, Music, Identity, Law, Nationality Spanish Written Present tense, Past tense, Present perfect tense, Subjunctive, Conjugation Slang Interview, Informal register
Replay: Le portrait de @iambilalhassani Clothing and fashion Gender, Bias French Audiovisual Verb phrases, Object Fashion, Personality, Gender
Reporte: Twitter, la peor red social respecto a seguridad LGBTQ Social media Discrimination, Gender, Bullying, Communication, Technology, Bias, Internet Spanish Audiovisual Past tense, Passive voice, Participles, Present perfect tense, Present tense Communication, Internet, Safety, Harassment
Response to transphobic comments on TikTok Social media Gender, Bias, LGBTQIA+, Belonging Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Present perfect tense, Conjugation LGBTQIA+, Human rights, Belonging, Fashion
Rollende Supermärkte Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food, Relationships German Written Prepositional phrases, Word order Transportation, Shopping, Business, Time
Roma on the Instagram: Luxury, witchcraft, and the last hope for the written Romani language Social media Ethnicity, Language, Minority Russian Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Modal verbs, Relative clauses, Impersonal Internet, Communication, Art
S/he? Things for Transgenders which are rarely talked about in China Individual identity and belonging Gender, Identity Mandarin Chinese Audiovisual Interrogative, Exclamative Gender
Schülerinnen und Schüler helfen Flüchtlingen Immigration Advocacy, Human rights, Immigration, Education German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Perfect tense, Modal verbs Emotions
Schulwesen in Deutschland im Wandel Education Education, DEI, Human rights, Economy, Socioeconomic class German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Perfect tense, Subordinate clauses, Prepositions, Adjective ending Transition words, Compound words, Education, Numbers, Adverbs Data visualization
Semt Pazarı mı? Market mi? Alışverişe (Neighborhood Bazaar or Market? We went out to shopping) Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Cost of living, Food Turkish Audiovisual Interrogative, Comparative Food, Numbers, Shopping
Semt Pazarı mı? Market mi? Alışverişe çıktık. (Neighborhood Bazaar or market? We went to shopping) Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food Turkish Audiovisual Interrogative, Comparative Food, Numbers, Shopping
Ser un ‘dreamer’ National identity Immigration, Discrimination, Access, Education, Labor Spanish Written Past tense, Present tense, Agreement, Word order Family, Education, Work, Immigration
Sex education picture book, “We can all do it” Individual identity and belonging Bias, Gender, DEI Mandarin Chinese Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Cleft sentences, Progressive tense, Negation, Conjunctions, Particles Personality, Descriptive adjectives, Gender Word play
Sexismo, binarismo y racismo en los códigos de vestimenta escolares Clothing and fashion Gender, Discrimination, Race, Access, Education Spanish Audiovisual Present tense, Agreement Clothing, Education, Descriptive adjectives
Shein copia diseños mayas; empresa YucaChulas denuncia plagio Clothing and fashion Economy, DEI Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Participles, Subjunctive, Agreement Clothing, Fashion, Identity Article
Shein explota a sus trabajadores Clothing and fashion Labor, Human rights Spanish Audiovisual Present tense Work, Numbers
Shein, líderes en ‘fast fashion’ y explotación laboral Clothing and fashion Labor, Human rights Spanish Written Agreement, Past tense, Impersonal Work, Internet, Communication Article
Shein: pourquoi la marque d’ultra fast fashion fait polémique ? Clothing and fashion Environment, Fashion, Labor French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Impersonal Internet, Communication, Business, Shopping, Science, Safety
Shuni Urban / rural life Indigenous, Representation, Identity, Belonging, Health & wellness French Written Future tense, Agreement, Object Descriptive adjectives, Geography
Si Barbie était une Babe of Ibilola Clothing and fashion Fashion, Socioeconomic class, Body French Audiovisual Past tense, Conjunctions Clothing, Fashion, Internet, Shopping, Business
Simón Bolívar, “El Libertador de América” History Advocacy, Identity, Race, Nationality Spanish Audiovisual Past tense Time
Siyanür istemiyoruz (We don't want cyanide) Environment Access, Environment Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Aorist tense, Word order Environment, Geography
Solidaridad con los desamparados: ellos lo merecen Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Housing, Socioeconomic class, Bias Spanish Written Present tense, Interrogative Religion, Emotions
Sollte man ab 16 wählen dürfen? Political systems / role of citizens Politics, Representation, Age, Voting German Audio Passive voice, Modal verbs Law, Voting, Human rights, Age
Song: İçimde Yaşam Var (There is life inside me) Environment Access, Environment Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Imperative, Case ending, Suffix Environment Music
Sonjé 27 mai Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Slavery, Freedom, Memory French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Reflexive Emotions, Slavery
Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi: Köy Okulları Yardım Kampanyası Education Access, Education, Rural, Advocacy Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Education, Clothing, Descriptive adjective, Compound words
Soy cenote, una absorbente pieza para honrar a este espacio sagrado Environment Environment Spanish Written Present tense, Agreement Environment
Soy y no soy Individual identity and belonging Identity Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Reflexive, Present tense, Conjugation Identity
Sport für alle - gemeinsam trainieren, mit und ohne Behinderung Sports DEI, Access, Disability German Audiovisual Attributive adjective, Predicate adjective DEI, Descriptive adjectives, Sports, Disability, Belonging Interview
Studentenwohnheime und Wohngemeinschaften für internationale Studierende in Deutschland Housing Housing, Access, Immigration, Youth German Written Conjunctions, Modal verb, Reflexive Housing, Education, Finance, Politics, Cost of living
Sudetendeutsche und Tschechen: Von Normalität weit entfernt National identity Ethnicity, Nationality, Language, Minority, Bias, Violence German Written Past tense, Relative pronouns, Genitive case Education
Suicidio en adolescentes y jóvenes en las Américas Health, wellness, and well-being Health & wellness, Youth Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Infinitive, Present tense Health & wellness, Numbers
Sumatorio de datos de la industria Clothing and fashion Environment Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Agreement, Word order Environment, Numbers Captions, Data visualization
Systèmes alimentaires des Peuples autochtones Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Food, Environment, Human rights, Indigenous French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Future tense, Conjugation, Superlative, Conditional, Prepositions Food, Environment, Transition words Photography
T'es pour ou contre une mode qui serait moins genrée ? Clothing and fashion Gender, Bias French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Comparative Transition words, Clothing, Fashion, Business
Tafeln machen Armut sichtbar Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Noun case, Nominative case, Accusative case, Dative case, Genitive case, Word order Numbers, Service, Finance, Nominalization Captions
Ten stories of successful Russian eco activists Environment Environment, Advocacy Russian Written Past tense, Word order, Subjunctive, Perfective verbs Environment, Quantity Cognates
Teure Mieten: Wohnungsnot in Deutschland Housing Housing, Immigration German Comparative, Adjective ending Housing, Infrastructure, Numbers, DEI Indirect speech
Todos somos migrantes Immigration Human rights, Immigration, DEI, Race, Belonging, Identity Spanish Audiovisual Past tense, Present tense DEI
Tous les corps sont légitimes à profiter cet été Clothing and fashion DEI, Bias, Health & wellness, Body French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Reflexive, Relative pronouns, Imperative Fashion, Clothing, Numbers, Time
Transfrauen im Schwimmsport Leisure time activities DEI, Gender, Identity, Human rights, Discrimination German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Interrogative, Modal verbs, Past tense, Perfect tense Sports, Descriptive adjectives, Numbers
Trash Oriental 2 - Çer Çöp Havası Environment Environment Turkish Audiovisual Ablative case Environment, Music Music
Tú Sí Sabes Quererme (Video Oficial) Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) DEI, Gender, Relationships Spanish Audiovisual Past tense, Conjugation, Imperative Relationships Music, Informal register
Türkiye'de Plastik Geri Dönüşümü (Plastic Recycling in Türkiye) Environment Environment Turkish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Ablative case Descriptive adjectives, Color Data visualization
Typisch deutsch? Die prägende Kraft von Klischees National identity Nationality, Bias, History German Written Passive voice, Impersonal Personality, Geography, History, Nation Article, Reported speech
Ukrainische Flüchtlinge in Deutschland: Chaos bei der Unterbringung | Frontal Housing Immigration, War, Belonging, Housing German Audiovisual Subjunctive, Modal verbs, Present perfect tense Politics, Finance, DEI, Housing
Umkämpft und beliebt: der Frauen-Fussball Sports DEI, Gender German Written Comparative, Subjunctive, Passive voice, Conjugation Quantity, Time, Numbers
Un avenir pour le cadien en Louisiane ? History Language, Multiculturalism, Bias French Audiovisual Past tense, Conjugation, Present tense, Prepositions Transition words, Adverbs Dialect
Un gimnasio para personas en condición de discapacidad Health, wellness, and well-being Access, Disability, Urban, Health & wellness Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Prepositions, Past tense, Present tense Health & wellness
Un jour au carnaval caribéen de Montpellier Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Traditions, Colonialism French Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Present tense, Indefinite pronouns, Conjugation Event, Clothing, Fashion, Music
Una Conversación Sobre El Cuidado de Familiares y Seres Queridos en Minnesota Family Gender, Immigration, Access, Health & wellness Spanish Audiovisual Past tense Family, Health & wellness, Emotions
Une 'Grande muraille verte' en construction en Afrique Environment Infrastructure, Environment, Access, Food French Audiovisual Past tense, Agreement, Present tense Descriptive adjectives, Geography, Numbers
Une ville verte en plein désert Technology and innovation Environment French Audiovisual Present tense, Conditional, Agreement Descriptive adjectives, Geography
Uzun ince bir yoldayım, Doğa için Çal (Play for Nature) Environment Advocacy, Environment, DEI Turkish Audiovisual Present progressive tense, Suffix, Postpositions, Word order Adverbs, Time, Music, Adverbs Music
Vaudou : le temple des Pythons à Ouidah Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Religion, Bias, Minority, Colonialism French Audiovisual Object, Pluperfect tense, Past tense, Conditional, Interrogative, Imperative, Conjunctions, Subjunctive Religion, Animals, Body, Environment
Vengo de una tierra National identity Representation, Race, Minority, Diaspora Spanish Audiovisual Present tense, Infinitive Geography, Music Music, Multilingual
Vivienda social Mapuche, Santiago Housing Housing, Indigenous Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Present perfect tense, Present tense Housing, Environment, Indigenous
Völker: Sinti und Roma in Deutschland History Ethnicity, Minority, Immigration, Human rights German Written Genitive case, Relative pronouns, Passive voice Ethnicity, History
Vous avez posé des questions sur les Autochtones, ils répondent History History, Indigenous, Representation, History, Race, Bias, Nationalism French Audiovisual Past tense, Word order Transition words, Descriptive adjectives
Warum das Kirschblütenfest so besonders ist Cultural traditions, celebrations, holidays Environment, Human rights German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Subordinate clauses, Prepositions, Relative clauses, Past tense, Reflexive, Prefixes Environment
Was hat Sport mit Politik zu tun? Politik spielt immer eine Rolle. Sports DEI, Gender German Written Infinitive, Passive voice, Conjunctions, Modal verbs, Relative pronouns Communication, Sports, Media
Was isst die Welt? Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Access, Food, Environment, Agriculture German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Word order, Passive voice Quantity, Numbers
What good things have appeared in Moscow in recent years Urban / rural life Environment, Access, Health & wellness, Youth Russian Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Comparative, Word order, Subjunctive, Genitive case, Conjugation Infrastructure, Urban, Health & wellness, Quantity
Wie gerecht ist die Kunstwelt? Art and entertainment (music, film, tv) DEI, Gender, Immigration, Representation German Written Relative clauses, Word order, Indefinite pronouns Economy
Wieso Menschen ihre Heimat verlassen Immigration Human rights, Immigration, Politics German Written Passive voice, Prepositions Immigration, Safety, Adverbs
Wir haben es satt! - Demo 2023 Food (e.g., nutrition, access, social/cultural role of food) Labor, Agriculture, Environment, Food German Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Imperative, Prepositions Advocacy, Humor, Animals, Agriculture, Compound words Photography, Word play
Wohnraummangel in Berlin: Ursachen, Folgen, Lösungen & mehr (Housing shortage in Berlin: causes, consequences, solutions & more) Housing Access, Housing, Urban, Infrastructure, Transportation German Written Reflexive, Relative clauses, Infinitive Housing, Urban
Wohnungssuche für Menschen mit Behinderung Housing Housing, Access, Disability, Discrimination German Written Past tense Health, Disability, Human rights, Housing, Finance, Compound words Indirect speech
Worauf es Menschen im Autismus-Spektrum in Beziehungen ankommt Relationships (e.g., family, friendships, romantic relationships) Disability German Written Modal verbs, Subjunctive Personality, Values, Gender Reported speech
Yo quiero vivir en un país… sin racismo National identity Race, Bias, Discrimination Spanish Audiovisual Subjunctive Human rights
Yo soy Cenote Environment Environment, Access Spanish Audiovisual Present tense, Conjugation Geography, Environment
Yo visto así Individual identity and belonging Identity, Health & wellness Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Reflexive, Present tense Clothing, Fashion Code-switching
You'd better die if you can't even solve the first problem': The consequences of exam stress Education Youth, Health & wellness, Relationships Russian Written Past tense, Subordinate clauses, Infinitive, Interrogative, Imperfective verbs Education, Health & wellness
Zoraida Health, wellness, and well-being Health & wellness, Indigenous, Race, Diaspora, Discrimination Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Past tense, Reflexive, Present tense, Imperative, Conjugation Health & wellness, Discrimination Informal register
¡No le debes explicaciones a nadie! Individual identity and belonging DEI, Gender, Feminism, Identity Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense, Present perfect tense, Object, Conjugation DEI
¡Nuevo proyecto de mejora! Housing Access, Housing, Economy Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Conjugation, Imperative, Present tense Housing Informal register
«Ну что вы, нерусские, что ли?»: как школьников заставляли вскидывать руку под песню «Я русский» (Are you not Russian?': How schoolchildren had to throw their hands up to the song 'I am Russian') National identity Identity, Ethnicity, Politics, Discrimination, Nationality, Media Russian Written Past tense, Conjugation, Infinitive Art, Emotions, Education Direct speech, Indirect speech
¿Por qué los sistemas alimentarios son decisivos para frenar el cambio climático y el hambre en Iberoamérica? Environment Access, Food, Environment Spanish Written Present tense, Past tense, Agreement Environment, Food, Human rights, Numbers, Cost of living Article
¿Qué debo saber sobre el cuidado de la salud para personas transgénero y de género no binario? Health, wellness, and well-being Gender, LGBTQIA+, Health & wellness Spanish Written Interrogative, Present tense, Subjunctive, Object LGBTQIA+, Health & wellness, Gender
¿Qué es lo que más se parece a una madre magrebí? Una madre catalana Immigration Race, Human rights, Immigration, Language Spanish Visual Interrogative, Reflexive Family Multilingual
¿Qué es un entorno amigable con las personas mayores? Health, wellness, and well-being Access, Age Spanish Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Present tense Quality of life, Health & wellness, Housing, Service
¿Qué significa corresponsabilidad de género en los cuidados? Family DEI, Gender, Discrimination, Labor Spanish Audiovisual Agreement, Present tense Health & wellness, Place, Gender
Абай, челленджи и ЛГБТ-активизм: Чем живет казахстанский TikTok? (Abai, challenges, and LGBTQ activism: The life of Kazakh TikTok) Social media LGBTQIA+, Human rights Russian Written Genitive case, Present tense, Conjugation, Accusative case Internet, Communication, Entertainment, Music, Art
Бесплатное питание для всех учеников начальных классов (Free meals for all elementary school children) Education Food, Access, Youth Russian Written Accusative case, Instrumental case, Infinitive, Interrogative Food, Health & wellness
Блиц-опрос: Что значит быть белорусом? (Blitz survey: What does it mean to be a Belarusian) National identity Identity, Belonging, Nationality Russian Dative case, Infinitive Personality
В Москве абитуриентка рассказала, что ее отказались зачислять в МГУУ из-за инвалидности. В вузе извинились и приняли ее (In Moscow, a university applicant complained that MMGU refused to enroll her because of disability. University apologized and enrolled her) Education Access, Education, Disability Russian Written Relative clauses, Perfective verbs, Imperfective verbs Education, Disability, Communication Direct speech, Indirect speech
В филиале Цнинской школы № 2 в деревне Красненькая открылась «Точка роста» (Growth Point' opened in school #2 in the Krasnenkaya village) Education Access, Education, Rural Russian Audiovisual Perfective verbs, Genitive case Education, Technology
Вторая жизнь вещей: Что можно сделать из отходов (Second life of things: What can be made from waste) Environment Environment Russian Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Genitive case, Agreement Environment, Housing
Инфографика "Редкие животные России" (Infographics "Rare Species of Russia") Environment Animals, Environment Russian Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Superlative, Genitive case, Present tense, Conjugation Geography, Animals, Time, Numbers
Инфографика на тему экологии (Infographics about Ecology) Environment Access, Environment, Urban Russian Audiovisual Genitive case Numbers, Environment
История педагога с синдромом Дауна. Он живет в глубинке и по авторской методике учит других детей (Story of a teacher with Down Syndrome. He lives in a rural area and teaches children using his own methods) Education Disability, Human rights, Education Russian Audiovisual Past tense, Conjugation, Relative clauses Biography, Personality
Как изменился рейтинг социальных сетей в Украине во время войны (How the rating of social media in Ukraine changed at the time of war) Social media Access, Freedom, War, Media Russian Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Relative clauses, Genitive case, Prepositional case Internet, Communication, Quantity, Nation, Numbers Multilingual
Как стать эковолонтером в России (How to become an eco volunteer in Russia) Environment Environment, Advocacy Russian Written Genitive case, Instrumental case, Present tense, Conjugation Service, Internet
Как учатся дети с аутизмом: истории из России и Великобритании (How children with autism study: Stories from Russia and Great Britain) Social media Disability, Access, Education, DEI Russian Written Dative case, Conditional, Prepositional case, Accusative case, Genitive case Education, Emotions, Advocacy
Как учатся школьники на Крайнем Севере (How do students study in the Far North) Education Disability, Access, Education, Human rights, Indigenous Russian Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Participles, Prepositions, Genitive case Education List
Памятка школьникам по безопасности в сети Интернет (Memo on safety on the Internet) Social media Technology, Internet, Bullying, Communication Russian Written Imperative, Relative clauses, Impersonal Internet, Communication
Почему люди остаются в деревнях? (Why do people stay in villages?) Urban / rural life Population, Access, Education, Environment Russian Written Modal verbs, Infinitive Preference, Infrastructure, Urban
Рыбакина — «кошмар Уимблдона». Но был ли шанс сохранить ее в России? (Rybakina is the nightmare of Wimbledon. But was there a chance to keep her in Russia?) National identity Immigration, Nationality, Sport Russian Written Prepositional case, Modal verbs Sports, Emotions
Совершенно не беспокоит людей стремление к власти: представлен доклад о ценностях белорусов (People are not at all interested in pursuing power: A report on the values of the Belarusians) National identity Identity, Human rights, Politics, Nationality Russian Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Infinitive History, Values Multilingual
Современные школы и технопарки: Итоги нацпроекта "Образование" в 2020 г (Modern schools and techno parks: Takeaways from the National project 'Education' in 2020) Education Disability, Access, Youth, Education Russian Multimodal (combination of 2 or more of the above) Genitive case, Word order, Participles Education, Numbers
Старшая сестра Дина о том, как живется с братом-инвалидом Данилом (Older sister Dina on life with her disabled brother Danil) Urban / rural life Disability, Access Russian Written Present tense, Conjugation, Reflexive Biography, Family, Rural
Украинцы, отказывающиеся от российского гражданства, сталкиваются с угрозами (Ukrainians who refuse Russian citizenship face threats) National identity Identity, Human rights, Discrimination, Nationality, Bias Russian Written Relative clauses, Participles Law, Safety Direct speech, Indirect speech
Что значит быть украинцем (What does it mean to be Ukrainian) National identity Identity, Ethnicity, Belonging, Nationality Russian Written Dative case, Relative clauses, Negation Nation, Emotions
Что такое цифровой мусор и как он влияет на экологию (What is digital waste and how it influences the environment) Environment Internet, Housing Russian Written Imperative, Accusative case, Conjugation, Perfective verbs, Imperfective verbs Internet, Communication
Я с ребятами договорилась: никакой фривольности (We had an understanding with the kids: No frivolity) Education Internet, Relationships, Access Russian Written Present tense, Conjugation, Reflexive, Relative clauses Internet, Education, Communication
‘Recuperando la tierra’. Mujeres indígenas del Sur en defensa de sus territorios National identity Indigenous, Violence, Human rights, Discrimination, Gender Spanish Audiovisual Present tense, Past tense Geography, Food, Human rights
„Bei allen Entscheidungen Frauen mitdenken“– Annalena Baerbock über Geschlechtergerechtigkeit Political systems / role of citizens DEI, Gender, Feminism, Bias German Written Infinitive, Relative pronouns Compound words, Politics Interview
每天穿蕾絲少女装上班的人 (People who go to work in lace bubble skirts every day) Clothing and fashion Freedom Mandarin Chinese Audiovisual Descriptive adjectives, Fashion, Clothing