Social Justice Bibliography

This bibliography provides a curated list of resources in three main categories--general social justice resources; social justice and language education; and language-specific resources. The resources included in each area are broken into subtopics and include scholarly publications, blog posts, podcasts, resource repositories, websites, videos, and the like. 

To help CARLA keep this bibliography current, we invite you to suggest scholarly and practical resources that are missing from the categories below. To suggest a resource, complete this form, and the Social Justice in Language Education project team will review your request. If approved, the suggested resource will be added to the appropriate category of the bibliography. 

Adichie, C. N. (2009, July). The danger of a single story. TED Conferences.
Alexander, C. (2020, October 6). Developing a social justice unit in English language arts. Edutopia.
Amado, A., Conlon Perugini, D., & Lindstrom, S. (2020, June 2). Enacting social justice in early language classrooms through critical cultural awareness [Video]. ACTFL Language Learning for Children Special Interest Group.
American Association of Teachers of Japanese. (n.d.). Announcements.
American Association of Teachers of Japanese. (n.d.). Teaching & classroom resources.
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). (n.d.). Inclusivity resources.
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). (n.d.). Inclusivity resources.
American Council of Teachers of Russian. (n.d.). Resources for diversity, inclusion and equity in the classroom.
Anti-Defamation League. (n.d.). LGBTQ pride month and education resources.
Anti-Racist Guide. (n.d.). Broaden your understanding and ability to combat racism.
Anya, U. (2011). Connecting with communities of learners and speakers: Integrative ideals, experiences, and motivations of successful Black second language learners. Foreign Language Annals. 44 (3), 441–466
Anya, U. (2020). African Americans in world language study: The forged path and future directions. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. 40 97–112
Anya, U., & Randolph, L. J., Jr. (2019). Diversifying language educators and learners [PDF]. The Language Educator. 10 (3), 36–39
Anya, U., McIvor, O., & Motha, S. (2021, July 10). Race, racial justice and indigenous language revitalization [Webinar]. American Association for Applied Linguistics.
Araneta, A., & Maatwk, F. (Hosts). ((2021-present)). Pedagogies for Social Justice. University of Westminster
Aryee-Price, A.O. (2017, January 31). Let's talk! Teaching Black Lives Matter. Learning for Justice.
Baker-Bell, A., & Kynard, C. (n.d.). Black Language Syllabus.
Banegas, D. L., & López, M. F. (2019). Inclusive language in Spanish as interpellation to educational authorities. Applied Linguistics. 4 (2), 342-346
Banegas, D., Beacon, G., & Berbain, M. (Eds.). (2021). International perspectives on diversity in ELT. Palgrave Macmillan
Banks, J. A. Chapter 1: Multicultural education: Historical development, dimensions, and practice. Review of Research in Education. 19 (1), 3-49
Benbow, C. (Ed.). (2016). Lemonade syllabus. Issuu.
Benjamin, J., Donohue-Bergele, D., Fuchs, K., & Lorenz., A. (n.d.). Alles offen: Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und Weltoffenheit (It’s all open: Public transportation and cosmopolitanism).
Berberi, T., Hamilton, E., & Sutherland, I. M. (Eds.). (2008). Worlds apart?: Disability and foreign language learning. Yale University Press
Black Central Europe. (n.d.). Black Central Europe.
Bouamer, S., & Bourdeau, L. (Eds.). (2022). Diversity and decolonization in French studies: New approaches to teaching. Palgrave Macmillan
British Columbia Teachers’ Federation. (n.d.). Spanish for Social Justice.
Brown University. (n.d.). Effective Teaching Is Anti-Racist Teaching.
Butler, B., Farinde-Wu, A., & Winchell, M. (2022). Mentoring while white: Culturally responsive practices for sustaining the lives of Black college students. Lexington Books
Byram, M., & Wagner, M. (2018). Making a difference: Language teaching for intercultural and international dialogue. Foreign Language Annals. 51 (1), 140-151
Caballero-García, B. (2018). Promoting social justice through 21st century skills: Thematic units in the language classroom [PDF]. Dimension. 130-145
Calabretta-Sajder, R., Conrad, S., Caponetto, R. G., Melita, M., & Nathan, V. (2023). Diversity, Transformation, and Italian Studies. University of Arkansas
Canagarajah, S. (2023). Decolonization as pedagogy: a praxis of “becoming” in ELT. ELT Journal. 77 (3), 283-293
Cannizzo, H. (2021). Implementing feminist language pedagogy: Development of students’ critical consciousness and L2 writing. Education Sciences. 11 (8), 393
Carleton College. (n.d.). Environment and engagement in German studies: A resource hub for ecocriticism, pedagogy, and academic civic engagement.
CAST. (2018). The UDL guidelines.
Center for Educational Innovation. (n.d.). Anti-racism resources for higher ed. University of Minnesota
Center for Languages and Cultures. (2024). Gender-Inclusive Teaching Resources. University of Southern California.
Center for Research on Learning and Teaching. Guidelines for discussing difficult or high-stakes topics. University of Michigan
Chang-Bacon, C. (n.d.). Blog.
Chappell, S. V., Ketchum, K. E., & Richardson, L. (2018). Gender diversity and LGBTQ inclusion in K-12 schools: A guide to supporting students, changing lives. Routledge
Chen, S. (2021). Educating for social justice in contemporary China: The politics of justice and injustice. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 43 (4), 617-631.
Cherng, H.-Y. S., & Davis, L. A. Multicultural matters: An investigation of key assumptions of multicultural education reform in teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education. 70 (3), 219-236
Chiariello, E., Edwards, J. O., Owen, N., Ronk, T., & Wicht, S. Social justice standards: The teaching tolerance anti-bias framework. Learning for Justice.
Coda, J. (2017). Disrupting standard practice: Queering the world language classroom [PDF]. Dimension. 74-89
Coghill-Behrends, W. (2020, November 11). How do language teachers make sense of LGBTQ identites and queer-inclusive practices in class? [Video]. The Language Collaboratory.
Condon, F., & Young, V. (2017). Performing antiracist pedagogy in rhetoric, writing, and communication. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado
Conlon Perugini, D. (Interviewer), & Johnson, S.M. (Producer). (2020, March 3). Speaking Blackness in Brazil, identity, and investment with Uju Anya (No. 136) [Audio podcast episode]. We Teach Languages.
Conlon Perugini, D. (Interviewer), & Johnson, S.M. (Producer). (2020, June 12). Language legitimacy and imagining new educational contexts with Jonathan Rosa (No. 142) [Audio podcast episode]. We Teach Languages.
Conlon Perugini, D. (Interviewer), & Johnson, S.M. (Producer). (2018, December 7). Social justice and representation with LJ Randolph (No. 82) [Audio podcast episode]. We Teach Languages.
Conlon Perugini, D., Johnson, S. M., & Randolph, L. J. (2019, November 23). Authentic resources for proficiency, interculturality, and social justice [Google Slides]. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.…