Literacies Bibliography

The bibliography is organized around four main subject areas: General Resources: Theoretical and Pedagogical Perspectives; Curriculum and Instruction: Applications of Literacies-Based Approaches; Student Learning Outcomes, Perceptions, and Experiences in Literacies-Oriented Classrooms; and Teacher Understandings and Applications of Literacies Pedagogy.

Ajayi, L. (2012). How teachers deploy multimodal textbooks to enhance English language learning. TESOL Journal. 6 (1), pp. 16-35
Allen, H. W. (2009). A multiple literacies approach to the advanced French writing course. The French Review. 82 (2), pp. 368-385
Allen, H. W. (2011). Embracing literacy-based teaching: A longitudinal study of the conceptual development of novice foreign language teachers. Sociocultural research on second language teacher education: Exploring the complexities of professional development. pp. 86–101 Routledge
Allen, H. W., & Dupuy, B. (2013). Evolving notions of literacy-based language teaching: A qualitative study of graduate student instructors. Educating the future foreign language professoriate for the 21st century. pp. 171–191 Heinle
Allen, H. W., & Paesani, K. (2010). Exploring the feasibility of a pedagogy of multiliteracies in introductory foreign language courses. L2 Journal. 2 pp. 119–142
Allen, H. W., & Paesani, K. (2017). “L’Invitation au voyage”: A multiliteracies approach to teaching genre in an advanced writing course. Approaches to teaching Baudelaire’s prose poems. pp. 139–149 Modern Language Association of America
Álvarez Valencia, J. A. (2016). Meaning making and communication in the multimodal age: Ideas for language teachers. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal. 18 (1), pp. 98-115
Alvermann, D. E. The M word: Dare we use it?. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 99-102
Alvermann, D. E. (2017). Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 61 (1), pp. 99-102
Amgott, N. (2020). L2 Multimodal Composing Abroad: Remixing Languages, Cultures, and Identities. L2 Journal. 12 (3), pp. 1-22
Anstey, M., & Bull, G. (2018). Foundations of multiliteracies: Reading, writing, and talking in the 21st century. Routledge
Barrette, C. M., & Paesani, K. (2018). Conceptualizing cultural literacy through student learning outcomes assessment. Foreign Language Annals. 51 (2), pp. 331-343
Benjamin, J. D., Donohue-Bergeler, D., Fuchs, K., & Lorenz, A. (2020). “Is nicht egal”: Guided multimodal reading of a music video advertisement. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German. 53 (1), pp. 55-65
Bhooth, A. M., Azman, H. & Ismail, K. (2015). Investigating the reading practices of EFL Yemeni students using the learning by design framework. TESOL Journal, 6(3), 418–446. 6 (3), pp. 418-446
Blyth, C. (2018). Designing meaning and identity in multiliteracies pedagogy: From multilingual subjects to authentic speakers. L2 Journal. 10 (2), pp. 62-68
Boche, B. (2014). Multiliteracies in the classroom: Emerging conceptions of first-year teachers. Journal of Language and Literacy Education. 10 (1), pp. 114-135
Bokhorst-Heng, W. D., Flagg-Williams, J. B., & West, S. (2014). The palimpsest layers of pre-service teachers’ literacy autobiographies. Pedagogies: An International Journal. 9 (4), pp. 343-364
Bridges, E. (2009). Bridging the gap: A literacy-oriented approach to teaching the graphic novel Der erste frühling. Der Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German. 42 pp. 152–161
Brock, C. H., Pennington, J. L., & Ndura, E. (2012). Using multimodality as a conceptual lens: examining two teachers' learning in the Multiliteracies Teacher Institute Project. Pedagogies: An International Journal. 7 (4), pp. 275-294
Brown, I. Lockyer, L., & Caputi, P. (2010). Multiliteracies and assessment practice. Multiliteracies in motion: Current theory and practice. pp. 191–206 Routledge
Bull, G., & Anstey, M. (2019). Elaborating multiliteracies through multimodal texts: Changing classroom practices and developing teacher pedagogies. Routledge
Bull, G., & Antsey, M. (2010). Using principles of multiliteracies to inform pedagogical change. Multiliteracies in motion: Current theory and practice. pp. 141–159 Routledge
Burke, A. & Hardware, S. (2015). Honoring ESL students’ lived experiences in school learning with multiliteracies pedagogy. Language, Culture, and Curriculum. 28 (2), pp. 143–157
Burke, A. & Hardware, S. (2015). Honoring ESL students’ lived experiences in school learning with multiliteracies pedagogy. Language, Culture, and Curriculum. 28 (2), pp. 143–157
Byrnes, H. (2001). Reconsidering graduate students’ education as teachers: It takes a department! Modern Language Journal. Modern Language Journal. 85 pp. 512–530
Byrnes, H. (2009). Emergent L2 German writing ability in a curricular context: A longitudinal study of grammatical metaphor. Linguistics and Education. 20 (1), pp. 50-66
Byrnes, H., & Sprang, K. A. (2004). Fostering advanced L2 literacy: A genre-based, cognitive approach. Advanced foreign language learning: A challenge to college programs. pp. 47–85 Heinle
Byrnes, H., Crane, C., Maxim, H. H., & Sprang, K. (2006). Taking text to task: Issues and choices in curriculum construction. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 152 pp. 85-110
Byrnes, H., Maxim, H. H., & Norris, J. (2010). Realizing advanced foreign language writing developing in collegiate education: Curricular design, pedagogy, assessment. Modern Language Journal. 94 (Suppl. 1), pp. 1-221
Calazans da Rosa, A. A. (2016). Teachers' education and professional development: Focus on multiliteracies and technologies. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal. 9 (3), pp. 19-30
Choi, J. (2015). A heritage language learner’s literacy practices in a Korean language course in a U.S. university: From a multiliteracies perspective. Journal of Language and Literacy Education. 11 (2), pp. 116-133
Cloonan, A. (2010). Multiliteracies, multimodality, and teacher professional learning. Common Ground Publishing
Cope, B. & Kalantzis, M. (2015). The things you do to know: An introduction to the pedagogy of multiliteracies. A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Learning by design.
Cope, B., & Kalantzis, M. (2009). ‘Multiliteracies’: New literacies, new learning. Pedagogies. 4 pp. 164-194
Crafton, L. K., Silvers, P., & Brennan, M. (2009). Creating a critical multiliteracies curriculum: Repositioning art in the early childhood classroom. Making meaning. pp. 31–51 Springer
Crane, C. (2006). Modelling a genre-based foreign language curriculum: Staging advanced L2 learning. Advanced language learning: The contribution of Halliday and Vygotsky. pp. 227-245 Continuum
Cumming-Potvin, W. M., & Sanford, K. (2015). Countering a 'back-to-basics' approach to teacher education: Multiliteracies and on-line discussions in a community of practice. Language and Literacy. 17 (1), pp. 21-41
Cunningham, D., Pfeiffer, P., & Ryshina-Pankova, M. (2018). Assessing humanities learning in an integrated undergraduate German curriculum. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German. 51 (2), pp. 144-155
Dahlström, H., & Damber, U. (2020). Meanings made in students’ multimodal digital stories: Resources, popular culture, and values. Designs for Learning. 12 (1), pp. 45-55
Dai, Y., & Wu, Z. (2021). Developing multimodal communicative competence: Insights from “semantic gravity” and the Knowledge Processes framework. System. 100 pp. 1-13
deHaan, J. (2019). Teaching language and literacy with games: What? How? Why?. Ludic Language Pedagogy. 1 pp. 1-57
Fadila, N. N., Setyarini, S., & Gustine, G. G. (2021). Channeling multiliteracies in digital era: A case study of EFL student-made video project in vocational high school. Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics. 6 (1), pp. 73-91
Fterniati, A. (2010). Literacy pedagogy and multiliteracies in Greek elementary school language arts. International Journal of Learning. 17 (3), pp. 319–350
Fukunaga, N. (2006). Those anime students: Foreign language literacy development through Japanese popular culture. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 50 (3), pp. 206-222
Gardiner, V., Cumming-Potvin, W., & Hesterman, S. (2013). Professional learning in a scaffolded 'multiliteracies book club': Transforming primary teacher participation. Issues in Educational Research. 23 (3), pp. 357-374
Gee, J. P. (2015). Social linguistics and literacies: Ideology in discourses(5th ed.). Routledge
Giampapa, F. (2010). Multiliteracies, pedagogy and identities: Teacher and student voices from a Toronto elementary school. Canadian Journal of Education. 33 (2), pp. 407-431
Gleason, J., & Slater, T. (2017). Patterns of tasks, patterns of talk: L2 literacy building in university Spanish classes. Language, Culture, and Curriculum. 30 (2), pp. 129-156
Grosso Richins, L., & Hansen-Thomas, H. (2018). Heritage language development of pre-service bilingual teachers: How a practice-situated intervention promoted multiliteracy. Multiliteracies pedagogy and language learning: Teaching Spanish to heritage learners. pp. 175–195 Palgrave Macmillan
Guerrettaz, A. M. and Zahler, T. (2017). Black lives matter in TESOL: De-silencing race in a second language academic literacy course. TESOL Quarterly. 51 pp. 193-207