Literacies Bibliography

The bibliography is organized around four main subject areas: theoretical and pedagogical perspectives; curricular and pedagogical applications of literacies-based approaches; student learning outcomes, perceptions, and experiences in literacies-oriented classrooms; and teacher understandings and applications of literacies pedagogy.

Dalola, A. (2024, July 9-11). "EmojiEd: Integrating authentic social media in language teaching." 3-day synchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Menke, M., & Paesani, K. (2024, January 30). Using multiliteracies pedagogy across the curriculum: A crash course. Online workshop conducted for the Colgate University Language Center.
Hutton, S., & Mathieu, C. (2024, July 24-28). "Secondary dual language and immersion: Achieving the promise of continuation programs." 1-week synchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Cummings Hlas, A., & Young, A. (2024, July 14-19). "Creativity in the language classroom: Fostering student learning through creative language experiences." 1-week in-person summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Goodspeed, L., Menke, M., Paesani, K. & Ruf, H. (2024, June 25-27). "Planning social justice lessons: Critical pedagogies in action." 3-day in-person summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
King, K. & Stockman, A. (2024, June 25-27). "Minnesota Bilingual Seals: Establishing and expanding programs in schools or districts." 3-day synchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Malone, M., & Chomón Zamora, C. (2024, June 24–July 12). "Practical program evaluation for heritage language programs." 3-week asynchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Owen, S., & Young, A. (2024, June 24-28). "Introduction to dual language immersion." 1-week synchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
King, K. & Stockman, A. (2024, May 30). “Developing and expanding seal of biliteracy programs for greater equity and access.” Workshop presented at the 12th International Conference on Language Teacher Education. Minneapolis, MN
Kong, K. (2024, July 15–August 2). "Culture as the core in the second language classroom." 3-week asynchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Neu, K., & Watzinger-Tharp, J. (2024, July 16-18). "Teaching for proficiency in dual language immersion." 3-day synchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Cammarata, L. (2024, June 24–28). "Content-based language instruction and curriculum development." 1-week synchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Cushing-Leubner, J. & Thomas, A. (2024, July 22-26). "Critical approaches to heritage language education: Centering identities, race, and power in language reclamation." 1-week in-person summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Ishihara, N. (2024, June 24–July 12). "Language and culture in sync: Teaching linguistic politeness and Intercultural awareness." 3-week asynchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Mack, S. (2024, June 25-27). "Integrating career readiness into language programs." 3-day synchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Mamiya Hernandez, R. & Scheller, L. (2024, July 29–August 2). "Getting started with project-based language learning." 1-week in-person summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
King, K. & Stockman, A. (2024, June 25-27). "Minnesota Bilingual Seals: Establishing and expanding programs in schools or districts." 3-day synchronous online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Paiz, J. M. (2023, September 20). Addressing Gender and Sexual Diversity in Language Teaching. Webinar given at the CARLA Presentation Series. University of Minnesota
Malone, M., & Chomón Zamora, C. (2023, January 25). Program evaluations: What they are and what they aren't. CARLA-ACTFL Program Evaluation Webinar given through the CARLA Presentation Series. University of Minnesota
(2023, September 13). CARLA Fall Kick-Off. Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series. University of Minnesota
Mangold, M. (2023, March 30). Understanding advancedness in L2 Spanish writing: Pedagogical implications of using measures of complexity and accuracy. CARLA Fellow Presentation given online through the CARLA Presentation Series. University of Minnesota
Soneson, D., & Johnshoy, M. (2023, June 17). Forty years in the wilderness—Technology in language teaching. Presentation conducted at the biannual conference of the International Association for Language Learning and Technology (IALLT).
Paesani, K. (2023, February 24). Teaching for social justice in language classrooms: Pedagogies and practices. Workshop delivered for the Department of Languages, Cultures, and Literatures, University of San Diego, California.
Johnshoy, M., & Soneson, D. (2023, June 14). Building community online: Engage your students with videos you create yourselves. Workshop conducted at the biannual conference of the International Association for Language Learning and Technology (IALLT), New Orleans, LA.
Cammarata, L. (2023, June 26-June 30). Content-based language instruction and curriculum development. Synchronous 1-week online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Zaykovskaya, I. (2023, February 15). Russian is not my ex, we are just estranged': A language learning journey as a love affair. Presentation given online through the CARLA Presentation Series. University of Minnesota
Palmer, D., Rodriguez, L., Godoy, M., & Young, A. (2023, February 4). Embracing discomfort and interrogating power to develop equity. Workshop for teachers conducted online for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Goodspeed, L., Menke, M., Paesani, K., & Ruf, H. (2023, November 17). Student perceptions of social justice: Implications for language classrooms. Paper presented at the annual ACTFL convention.
Paesani, K. & Menke, M. (2023, April 1). Centering language learners through critical pedagogies: Perspectives on research and practice. Plenary presentation given at the 2023 SLA Graduate Student Symposium.
Paesani, K. & Menke, M. (2023). Literacies in language education: A guide for teachers and teacher educators. Georgetown University Press
Paesani, K., Goodspeed, L. & Menke, M. , Ruf, H. (2023, February 8). Supporting social Justice in language education: Resources, research, and lessons learned. Paper presented for the ACTFL Critical and Social Justice Approaches Special Interest Group.
Paesani, K. & Menke, M. (2023, April 6). Teaching language, culture, and texts in 21st century language programs: Insights from the Multiliteracies Framework. Presentation given for the Departments of French & Italian and Spanish & Portuguese. Princeton University
Paesani, K., Goodspeed, L., Menke, M., & Ruf, H. (2023). Creating social justice instructional templates: Frameworks, process, and lessons learned. L2 Journal. 15 (1),
Fabbri, F. (2023, October 5). Studying Romance Languages in the US: Decision-Making in Regard to Language Choice and Persistence after the Language Requirement. Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series. University of Minnesota
Anderson, S., Dodson, R., Hagen, C., Kessler, S., Korynta, K., & Warren, L. (2023, February 2). Teaching roundtable: Ideas from the CARLA summer institutes. Presentation given through the CARLA Presentation Series. University of Minnesota
Paesani, K. (2023, February 11). Making multiliteracies real: Comparing multiliteracies pedagogy and communicative language teaching. Keynote presentation given online at the 17th Annual Colloquium on Language Teaching.
Kong, K. (2023, February 17). Be like water: Amplifying Asian voices in language education with flexibility and resilience. Online workshop given as part of the CARLA Social Justice in Language Education initiative.
Owen, S., & Young, A. (2023, June 26-30). Introduction to dual language immersion. Synchronous 1-week online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Malone, M., & Chomón Zamora, C. (2023, June 26-July 14). Practical program evaluation for instructors of less commonly taught languages. Asynchronous 3-week online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Paesani, K. (2023, September 27). Making the match: Teaching language and textual content through multiliteracies pedagogy. Workshop conducted at the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures, SUNY Buffalo.
Dupuis, C., & Dalola, A. (2023, October 19). Using TikTok and Instagram Reels to Support Learning Development and Cultural Awareness in Beginning French Courses. Online presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series. University of Minnesota
Paesani, K. (2023, April 7). Making the most of target language texts in French instruction. Workshop delivered for the Department of French & Italian, Princeton University.
Anderson, S., Finney, S., Henery, A., & Lider, I. (2023, December 7). Implementing Social Justice Curricular Units: Words of Wisdom from Language Teachers. Webinar given at the CARLA Presentation Series. University of Minnesota
Kong, K. (2023, July 10-28). Culture as the core in the second language classroom. Asynchronous 3-week online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Neu, K., & Watzinger-Tharp, J. (2023, July 18-20). Teaching for proficiency in dual language immersion. Synchronous 3-day online summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program for the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Paesani, K., Goodspeed, L., Menke, M. & Ruf, H. (2023, March 18). (Re)constructing and (re)negotiating identities: Postsecondary language teachers and social justice education. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL).
Cummings Hlas, A., & Young, A. (2023, July 10-14). Creativity in the language classroom: Fostering student learning through creative language experiences. One-week in-person summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Paesani, K., & Menke, M. (2023, July 10-14). Using target language texts to support students' literacies development. One-week in-person summer institute for teachers conducted through the CARLA Summer Institute program at the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Menke, M., Goodspeed, L., Paesani, K., & Ruf, H. (2023, November 17). Teaching for social justice: How to engage learners in critical inquiry. Paper presented at the annual ACTFL convention.
Tu, Y. (2023, April 12). Language, culture, and career readiness: Community-engagement projects for advanced Chinese courses. Presentation given online through the CARLA Presentation Series. University of Minnesota