Dual Language and Immersion Family Education
Program Background

Parent or family engagement has been identified as one of the most crucial aspects influencing student achievement in schools (e.g., Henderson & Mapp, 2002). Educators working in well-implemented dual language and immersion (DLI) programs ensure that families are informed, engaged, and play integral roles in their children’s education (Howard et al., 2018). The Dual Language and Immersion Family Education program developed materials to support families to ensure that they are able to play key roles in their children’s learning.
The DLI Family Education program is made up of two components:
Series of four face-to-face sessions for families, facilitated by bilingual educators and covering four topics:
- Dual Language and Immersion Basics
- Bilingualism and Biliteracy
- Challenges of Dual Language and Immersion Education
- College and Career Opportunities
Guidelines and materials are provided for family education professionals interested in implementing this program in their own schools or school districts.
Online repository of useful resources for families who wish to deepen their understanding of DLI.
Watch a video recording of a presentation about this project titled, "Educating, Engaging, and Empowering DLI Parents and Families: Materials and Resources for Families and Parent Educators."
La participación de los padres o la familia ha sido identificada como uno de los aspectos más cruciales que influyen en el rendimiento de los estudiantes en las escuelas (por ejemplo, Henderson y Mapp, 2002). Los educadores que trabajan en programas de inmersión y lenguaje dual (DLI) bien implementados aseguran que las familias estén informadas, involucradas y desempeñen un papel integral en la educación de sus hijos (Howard et al., 2018). El programa de Educación Familiar de Inmersión y Lenguaje Dual desarrolló materiales para ayudar a las familias a asegurar que puedan desempeñar papeles clave en el aprendizaje de sus hijos.
El programa de Lenguaje Dual e Inmersión de Educación Familiar se basa en dos componentes:
Una serie de cuatro talleres para familias cubriendo cuatro temas y conducido por educadores bilingües
- Conceptos básicos de Lenguaje Dual e Inmersión
- Bilingüismo y alfabetismo bilingüe
- Los desafíos del Lenguaje Dual e Inmersión
- Oportunidades universitarias y profesionales
Se proporcionan guías y materiales para los profesionales de la educación familiar interesados en implementar este programa en sus propias escuelas o distritos escolares.
Un sitio de repositorio en internet con recursos útiles para familias que desean profundizar su comprensión de Lenguaje Dual e Inmersión.
Mire una grabación de video de una presentación sobre este proyecto titulada "Educar, involucrar y empoderar a los padres y familias de DLI: materiales y recursos para familias y padres educadores."
Ib pab xibfwb qhia ob hom lus nyob rau tom lub tsev kawm ntawv qib siab University of Minnesota tau sib koom tes nrog ib cov xibfwb nyob rau hauv nroog ntxaib yog cov tau los tsim Lub Rooj Kawm Kev Qhia Ob Hom Lus Rau Tsev Neeg. Nws tau txais kev txhawb los ntawm United States Department of Education grant uas nyob rau ntawm Office of English Language Acquisition.
Lub Rooj Kawm Kev Qhia Ob Hom Lus Rau Tsev Neeg muaj ob sab:
txoj kev kawm rau cov niam txiv, tuaj kawm ntawm cov xibfwb Hmoob, muaj 4 hmo kawm txog 4 lub ntsiab raws li no:
- Qhov Chiv Ntawm Kev Kawm Ob Hom Lus
- Kev Paub Hais, Nyeem, thiab Sau Ob Hom Lus
- Kev Nyuab Los Ntawm Kev Kawm Ob Hom Lus
- Kev Npaj Kawm Ntawv Qib Siab thiab Ua Hauj Lwm
Lub Rooj Kawm Kev Qhia Ob Hom Lus Rau Tsev Neeg muaj kev qhia thiab muaj ntaub ntawv pab rau cov xibfwb uas xav pib qhia lus Hmoob rau lawv cov tsev kawm ntawv.
Ib co ntaub ntawv thiab video los txhawb thiab qhia niam txiv txog kev kawm ob hom lus, yog tias lawv xav paub ntxiv
Project Development
The Dual Language and Immersion Family Education program was developed by a team of DLI educators from the University of Minnesota and teacher contributors from surrounding school districts. The program was supported by a United States Department of Education grant from the Office of English Language Acquisition.
Spanish & Hmong Grade K–5 Materials
Authors: University of Minnesota
- Maureen Curran-Dorsano
- Diane J. Tedick
- Corinne Mathieu
- Amanda Lea (Eastern Carver County Schools)
- Cathy Camarena (Saint Paul Public Schools)
- Teresa Chavez (Roseville Area Schools)
- Carolina DuFault (Risen Christ Catholic School)
- Tara W. Fortune (University of Minnesota)
- Leticia Guadarrama (Minneapolis Public Schools)
- Liz Hathaway-Castelán (Saint Paul Public Schools)
- Laura Hofer (Richfield Public Schools)
- Bounthavy Kiatoukaysy (Saint Paul Public Schools)
- Corina Pastrana (Minneapolis Public Schools)
- Melissa Richards de Campaña (Saint Paul Public Schools)
- Anita Sasse (Northfield Public Schools)
- Kate Trexel (University of Minnesota)
- Megan Unger (Minneapolis Public Schools)
- Anselmo C. Castelán (Digital Partners - Latin America Business Development)
- Bounthavy Kiatoukaysy (Saint Paul Public Schools)
- See Pha Vang (Saint Paul Public Schools)
- May Lee Xiong (Saint Paul Public Schools)
- Phoua Yang (Saint Paul Public Schools)
External Consultant
- Edward M. Olivos (University of Oregon)
Spanish: Grade 6–12 Materials
Authors: University of Minnesota
- Maureen Curran-Dorsano
- Diane J. Tedick
- Camila Carroll, Saint Paul Public Schools
- Elizabeth Dwight, Minneapolis Public Schools
- Robyn Eliason, Minneapolis Public Schools
- Liz Hathaway-Castelán, Saint Paul Public Schools
- María Lara, Risen Christ Catholic School
- Leah Laurent, Minneapolis Public Schools
- Carmen Grace Poppert, Risen Christ Catholic School
- Amanda Sell, Saint Paul Public Schools
- Sarah Streitz, Richfield Public Schools
- Ana Vásquez, Minneapolis Public Schools
Thanks also to the parents of secondary DLI students who offered input and ideas regarding the content of the workshops.
- Anselmo C. Castelán (Digital Partners - Latin America Business Development)