For informational purposes only - no longer taking submissions.

What are your technology needs or interests as a language teacher?

Language(s) you teach:

Grade Level(s) you teach:
K-2 3-5
6-8 9-12

Language Level(s) you teach:
Beginning Intermediate
Advanced CIS/AP

School Zip Code
(if requested by professor)


Using technology to teach and learn languages



Create activities based on web resources


Create webpages and online activities


Listen/view audio and video on my computer or in my web browser (using plugins)


Evaluate and choose software for language learning


Create and use a class email list, discussion board or chatroom


Use a language or computer lab


Use a Course Management System (a "virtual classroom")
   Which one do you use?


Slideshow/Presentation Basics (i.e., PowerPoint-type programs)


Advanced Slideshow/Presentation - adding multimedia and interactivity


Creating audio and video for classroom and web


Advanced word-processing (newsletters, brochures, posters, rubrics, big books, etc.)


Charts and graphs with spreadsheets (i.e., Excel-type programs)


Create& use graphic organizers


Use a digital camera and digital images


Use a blog or a wiki for collaborative activities




Hardware: Putting it all together (laptop to a projector, scanner, etc.)


Techniques and skills for teaching a virtual (completely online) language class

Other topic suggestions:

Would you be interested in a technology "camp" for language teachers?
2 weeks
1 week, with optional 2nd week to work on a project
1 week only
A series of Saturday morning workshops
A series of weekly or monthly workshops - online
I'm not interested

Would you be interested in joining a "learning community" where language teachers could ask tech questions and share tech tips and experiences?
Yes! Please send me more information: (email)
Maybe  (add your email above, if you would like more information)
I'm not interested

* If you already use technology for teaching languages, would you consider sharing activity ideas with others?

Yes! Please give us your name and email

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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414