Immersion Bibliography Search Results

Found 417 matching records for: Two-way

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Ruiz, R. (2008). Paradox of bilingualism. In N. H. Hornberger (Ed.), Honoring Richard Ruiz and his work on language planning and bilingual education (pp. 182-190). Bristol, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters.
Rumbaut, R. (2014). English plus: Exploring the socioeconomic benefits of bilingualism in southern California. In Callahan, R., & Gandara, P., The bilingual advantage: Language, literacy and the US labor market (pp. 182-210). Tonawanda, NY: Multilingual Matters.
Ryan, A. (2007). Two tests of the effectiveness of bilingual education in preschool. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 21(4), 352-363.
Ryan, C.S., Casas, J.F, Kelly-Vance, L., Ryalls, B.O., & Nero, C. (2010). Parent involvement and views of school success: The role of parents' Latino and White American cultural orientations. Psychology in the Schools, 47(4), 391–405.
Sanders, A. (2010). The effectiveness of two-way bilingual immersion programs in closing the achievement gap for minority students (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas Southern University. Texas.
Santamaria, L. J. (2009). Culturally responsive differentiated instruction: Narrowing gaps between best pedagogical practices benefiting all learners. Teachers College Record, 111(1), 214–247.
Santibanez, L., & Zarate, M.E. (2014). Bilinguals in the US and college enrollment. In Callahan R., & Gandara, P., The bilingual advantage: Language, literacy and the US labor market (pp. 211-233). Tonawanda, NY: Multilingual Matters.
Saucedo, L. (1997). Parents’ Attitudes towards Dual Language Immersion Programs. ERIC ED 405730. Washington, DC: Educational Resources Information Center.
Scanlan, M. & Palmer, D. (2009). Race, power, and (in)equity within two-way immersion settings. The Urban Review, 41(5), 391–415.
Scanlan, M. & Zehrback, G. (2010). Improving bilingual service delivery in Catholic schools through two-way immersion. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 14(1), 67–93.
Schine, J. (1996, November). Service learning: A promising strategy for connecting students to communities. Middle School Journal, 28(2), 3–9.
Schon, I. (2003). Libros bilingues, traducciones desparpajadas y traducciones pobres: Libros en espanol publicados en los Estados Unidos. Bilingual Research Journal (1), 27, 149–155.
Schwartz, M., & Shaul, Y. (2013). Narrative development among language-minority children: The role of bilingual versus monolingual preschool education. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 26(1), 37–41.
Schwartz, M., Moin, V., & Leikin, M. (2012). Lexical knowledge development in the first and second languages among language-minority children: The role of bilingual versus monolingual preschool education. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 15(12), 549-571.
Schwartz, M., Moin, V., Leikin, M., & Breitkopf, A. (2010). Immigrant parents' choice of a bilingual versus monolingual kindergarten for second-generation children: Motives, attitudes, and factors. International Multilingual Research Journal, 4(2), 107–124.
Senesac, B. K. (2002). Two-way bilingual immersion: A portrait of quality schooling. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(1), 1–17.
Serrano, R. & Howard, E. (2007). Second language writing development in English and in Spanish in a two-way immersion programme. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(2), 152–170.
Shannon, S. & Milian, M. (2002). Parents choose dual language programs in Colorado: A survey. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(3), 681–696.
Shaw, T. (2010). The influence of foreign language learning during early childhood on standardized test scores (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). Walden University.
Sheen, Y. (2004). Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicative classrooms across instructional settings. Language Teaching Research, 8, 263–300.


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