Immersion Bibliography Search Results

Found 492 matching records for: Struggling Learners

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Raymond, E. B. (2000). Language characteristics. In E. B. Raymond, Learner with mild disabilities (pp. 219–249). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Reed, D. K., Cummings, K. D., Schaper, A., & Biancarosa, G. (2014). Assessment fidelity in reading intervention research: A synthesis of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 84(2), 275-321.
Rex, L. A. (2000). Judy constructs a genuine question: A case for interactional inclusion. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16, 315–333.
Reyes-Wrede, M. & Sala-Healey, R. (2008). Signing Strategies for Reading. Presentation at Immersion Education: Pathways to Bilingualism and Beyond, St. Paul, MN.
Rhodes, N.C. & Branaman, L.E. (1999). Foreign language instruction in the United States: A national survey of elementary and secondary schools. McHenry, IL, and Washington, DC: Delta Systems and Center for Applied Linguistics.
Riccio, C., Amado, A., Jimenez, S., Hasbrouck, J., Imhoff, B., & Denton, C. (2001). Cross-linguistic transfer of phonological processing: Development of a measure of phonological processing in Spanish. Bilingual Research Journal, 25(4), 417–437.
Richgels, D. (2003). Invented spelling, phonemic awareness, and reading and writing instruction. In Neuman, S. & Dickinson, D.K. (Eds.), Handbook of early literacy research (pp. 333–347). New York: The Guilford Press.
Rigaud, P. (2005). Attrition in four U.S. elementary immersion schools. The ACIE Newsletter, 8(3), 11–15. Retrieved from
Rivera, M., Moughamian, A., Lesaux, N., & Francis, D. (2008). Language and reading interventions for English language learners and English language learners with disabilities. Portsmouth, NH: RMC Research Corporation, Center on Instruction.
Roache, M., Shore, J., Goulet, E., & de Obaldia Butkevich, E. (2003). An investigation of collaboration among school professionals in serving culturally and linguistically diverse students with exceptionalities. Bilingual Research Journal, 27(1), 117–136. Retrieved from
Robbins, J. & Chamot, A.U. (2007). Helping struggling students become good language learners. The NCLRC Language Resource, 11(7). Retrieved from
Rodriguez, D. (2005). A conceptual framework of bilingual special education teacher programs. In J. Cohen, K. McAlister, K. Rolstad, & J. MacSwan, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism (pp. 1960–1969). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Root, C. (1994). A guide to learning disabilities for the ESL classroom practitioner. TESL-Electronic Journal, 1, 1–7.
Roseberry-McKibbin, C. & Brice, A. (2005). Acquiring English as a second language: What’s ‘normal’, what’s not. The ASHA Leader, 5(12), 4–7.
Rosenbusch, M. (1998). Is foreign language education for all learners? In M. Met (Ed.), Critical issues in early second language learning: Building for our children’s future (pp. 62–80). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley.
Rousseau, N. (1998). Description and evaluation of a French immersion learning disabilities program (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
Rousseau, N. (1999). A French immersion learning disabilities program: Perspectives of students, their parents, and their teachers. Mosaic, 6(3), 16–26.
Roy, N. (1997). French immersion support documents and a model for transfer to the English program. Vancouver School Board, BC: Curriculum Publications.
Roy, N. (2004). Possible factors influencing student performance in French immersion [Excerpt reprinted]. The ACIE Newsletter, 7(3). Retrieved from
Rueda, R., Artiles, A., Salazar, J., & Higareda, I. (2002). An analysis of special education as a response to the diminished academic achievement of Chicano students: An update. In R. Valencia (Ed.), Chicano school failure and success: Research and policy agendas (2nd ed.) (pp. 310–332). London: Falmer.


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