CARLA Bibliography Search Results

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Villabona, N. (2019, February 26). “Integrating content and language(s) in the CLIL classroom: Teachers’ voices and classroom practices.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Bigelow, M., Peng, P., & Yang, A. (2018, October 18). “Complicating culture in Chinese language classes.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Carrillo Cabello, A., Matos, F., & Salazar Pozos, O. (2018, September 20). “Blended learning and online coaching: Investigating differences of instructional interventions in the self-assessment of fluency and class participation.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Fortune, T., & Ju, Z. (2018, April 25). “Reading in Mandarin and English: An examination of Mandarin immersion readers’ strategic processing.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
King, K., & Bigelow, M. (2018, April 5). “The politics of language education policy development and implementation: Minnesota (not so) nice?” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Mack, S., & Menke, M. (2018, March 8). “International, but how? Considering second language teaching and learning from the perspective of the Internationalizing Teaching and Learning framework.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Mathieu, C. (2018, April 19). “Materials design and use in a secondary Spanish immersion classroom.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Mathieu, C., & Gopalakrishnan, A. (2018, May 3). “Mixed methods research in second language studies.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Paesani, K., & Menke, M. (2018, January 23). “Making multiliteracies real: A tool for analyzing instructional materials.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Paesani, K., Menke, M., & Truman, L. (2018, November 1). “Understanding teacher discourse around multiliteracies pedagogy.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Ready, C. & Fuentes, M. (2018, February 8). “Incorporating the literary and the everyday in the foreign language classroom.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Soneson, D. & Strawbridge, A. (2018, November 13). “The relationship of high school language study to postsecondary proficiency.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Stemper, K. (2018, February 22). “Indigenous language education: Practioners’ experiences with teacher certification policy.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Stone, K., & Mathieu, C. (2018, October 3). “World language teacher preparation and the edTPA: How alignment and incongruities can form continuous improvement.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Tarone, E. & LaScotte, D. (2018, November 28). “Narrative voices: Learners shift accuracy and fluency in protagonists’ speech.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Wigglesworth, G. (2018, March 21). “Language and education in Aboriginal Australia: What role for equity and ethics?” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Young, A., Bigelow, M., & King, K. (2018, November 7). “Visualizing LEAPS: An interactive workshop to move from policy to practice.” Workshop conducted through the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Barnett, C. B. (2017, April, 25). “Showcasing the power of transformative learning: A look at students’ perspectives on French-Speaking North America.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Caldas, B. (2017, February 21). “Beyond poly, multi, trans, pluri, bi: What do we talk about when we talk about translanguaging?” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Clements, C. (2017, January 25). “The effectiveness of computer assisted language learning tools.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Cushing-Leubner, J. (2017, April 12). “Who’s the teacher now? A pedagogy of youth-led participatory action research for heritage language education.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
David, S. (2017, February 7). “Emergent practices in translingual pedagogy: Teachers learning to facilitate collaborative translation.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Engman, M. (2017, March 28). “Reclaiming language, reframing expertise: Heteroglossia in one teacher-learner’s Ojibwe classroom.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Eslamdoost, S., & Lai, Y. (2017, October 27). “EFL policy and practice in Iran: Conflicts in teacher agency and identity construction.” Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Gill, J. (2017, October 19). "Think on your feet: Debate as a critical exercise." Presentation given at the CARLA Presentation Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.


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