Basque Recipes

THEME: Basque Gastronomy
TOPIC: Recipes

Time Frame:

One 50-minute class period

Materials Needed:

  • Addresses for on-line food sites (available on our web-page)

  • Exercise hand-out (VPA)

Description of Task:

Learning Objective:

This exercise will enable students to increase reading comprehension, learn food vocabulary, practice speaking and create a Basque cookbook.


This exercise can be used in a computer classroom that allows students to work independently.


Prior to activities the instructor will introduce the theme and then explain how the class is going to work. First students will work in groups and then individually. After this they will find the information to create a recipe for a cookbook. In class they will work only on one recipe although they will be asked to create 3 more recipes for homework. Finally students will create a cookbook, and report a recipe to the class. They can also try cooking a recipe at home


The instructor will ask students to work in groups of three:
- Students look for information they expect to find in a recipe
- Students write the information and present it to the class.


Students are asked to look on the web page provided for the exercise, select a recipe and do the exercise.
Go to the exercise

Evaluation of Tasks

Students are asked to present the cookbook to the class and explain one recipe. Cookbook needs to have at least 4 recipes. Teacher will evaluate writing, Basque-English key terms and presentation of a recipe.

Web resources:

This is a list of possible links which could be used in the unit. Go to links

Cultural extensions:

The teacher guides students through discussion about differences on eating habits between Basque culture and American culture
Search on the web for information related to food products and basque recipes and/or basque restaurants over the world and add the information to the cookbook.
What are the differences and similarities between Basque and American Menus?

To create a Basque cookbook

Communicative Function(s):
Interpersonal: Discuss and present cookbooks

Language Structure(s):
Present tense, imperative tense, vocabulary

Cultural Aspects:
Traditions, cooking habits

Writing, Speaking, Reading

We are interested in hearing from teachers who have used these activities with their classes. Please contact us with a discription and comments. With your permission we will post these on a LCTL-activities bulletin board, in order to share ideas and stimulate discussions. Thank you.

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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
University of Minnesota, 140 University International Center,
331 17th Ave SE, Minneapolis MN 5541
Telephone: 612-626-8600; Fax: 612-624-7514; Email:
Last updated: July 8, 2001