spaceCenter for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)

Exercise 7: More Refusal Strategies



Summary of Strategies for Refusals



Strategy 1: Refusing directly


            お断りします。  Okotowari shimasu.  ‘I refuse.’

            無理だと思います。  Muri dato omoi masu.  ‘I don’t think it’s possible.’



Strategy 2: Refusing indirectly or euphemistically


ちょっと無理みたい。  Chotto muri mitai.  ‘It seems (sort of) impossible.’

*ちょっと難しいですね。  Chotto muzukashii desune.  ‘It is a little difficult.’

*あ、それはちょっと大変だ。  A, sorewa chotto taihenda.  ‘Oh, that’s a little hard.’

[* Although these two expressions can be used as mere comments and not as refusals, unless an alternative or more information is provided, they are often meant to serve as refusals.]



Strategy 3: Apologizing/stating regret


            残念ですが  zannen desuga  ‘It’s a pity but’

            申し訳ありませんが  moushiwake ari masenga ‘I’m sorry but’

            せっかくなんだけど  Sekkaku nanda kedo  ‘despite this (excellent chance)’ 

            ごめん  Gomen  ‘I’m sorry’



Strategy 4: Giving a reason


            その日はちょっと都合がつきそうにないのですが・・・  Sono hiwa chotto tsugouga tuki souni naino desuga  ‘It seems impossible to make myself available that day…’

映画の券、買っちゃったんですよね。  Eigano ken, kachattan desuyone.  ‘I’ve bought a ticket to a movie (for that day).’

もう予定があって・・・  Mou yoteiga atte  ‘I already have plans…’



Strategy 5: Offering an alternative


その次の週末ではだめでしょうか。  Sono tsugino syuumatsu dewa dame desyouka?  ‘Won’t the following weekend work?’

電子メールで送っていただけましたら、見ることができるんですが。  Denshi meerude okutte itadake mashitara, miru kotoga dekirun desuga.  ‘If you could send it by e-mail, I would be able to see it.’

5時からならあいてるんだけど。  Goji kara nara aiterun dakedo.  ‘I’ll be free after 5.’



Strategy 6: Promising future acceptance


次回は必ず参加いたします。  Jikaiwa kanarazu sanka itashimasu.  ‘I’ll be sure to participate next time.’

            今度こそ行くから。  Kondo koso iku kara.  ‘I’ll definitely come next time.’

次の機会にはなんとかするから。  Tsugino kikainiwa nantoka suru kara.  ‘I’ll manage to (make myself available) at the next opportunity.’



Strategy 7: Making an unspecific reply


では機会がありましたら。  Dewa kikaiga arimashitara.  ‘If there is another opportunity.’

            じゃあ、そのうちね。  Jaa, sonouchine.  ‘Then, one of these days.’



Strategy 8: Postponing a response


            検討させていただきます。  Kentou sasete itadakimasu.  ‘I’ll consider it.’

            考えておきます。  Kangaete okimasu.  ‘I’ll think about it.’ 

友達と相談しとくね。  Tomodachito soudan shitokune.  ‘I’ll consult with a friend.’



Strategy 9: Stating positive feelings


私もぜひごいっしょさせていただきたいのですが  watashimo zehi goissho sasete itadaki taino desuga  ‘I’d love to join you, but’

いいですね。  Iidesune.  ‘That sounds good.’

楽しそう!  Tanoshisou!  ‘Sounds like fun!’

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