
Vocabulary for
Treasure Hunt

which                     äæéà
last                     ïåøçà
alphabetical           éúéáôìà
dinner               áøò–úçåøà
site                       øúà
young woman              äøåçá
cooked                    ìùéá
page (n.)                   óã
arrived                   òéâä
invited                  ïéîæä
press (v.)                 ù÷ä
begin                    ìéçúä
olive                      úéæ
educational             éëåðéç
fifth                    éùéîç
right (adj.)             éðéîé
cup (n.)                   ñåë
how many?                 ?äîë
almost                    èòîë
what?                      ?äî
museum                 ïåàéæåî
poet                     øøåùî
enjoyed                   äðäð
order (n.)                 øãñ
color (n.)                 òáö
side (n.)                   ãö
category               äéøåâè÷
tape (n.)                 úèì÷
list (n.)                äîéùø
listed                     íùø
line (of verse)           äøåù
conversation              äçéù
name                        íù
left (adj.)              éìàîù
year                       äðù
second (adj.)              éðù
hour                       äòù
bottom                     úçú
picture                  äðåîú

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