¡Arriba España! o ¡Viva La República! La Guerra Civil Española

Submitted by Liz Perona

Language: Spanish
Unit Cultural Theme or
Academic Content Area:


Target Audience:

Traditional High School
Year of Instruction: 5

Proficiency Level:

Intermediate Mid



1.1, 1.2, 1.3




3.1, 3.2





Unit Timeframe:

Twelve to fifteen 50-minute class sessions

Unit Overview:

In this unit, students will complete a WebQuest designed to explore and answer the questions:

1) What was the Spanish Civil War?
2) Which groups were involved and why?
3) What was the outcome of the Spanish Civil War?

After presenting their findings, students will take their learning a step further by answering "what if" questions about the war and its outcome that will be posted on a webpage and read by guest native speakers who will comment on their thoughts.

General Unit References and Resources:

To join the Guerra Civil listserv:

My "Guerra Civil" WebQuest:

Abella Bermejo, Rafael. (1996). La vida cotidiana bajo el régimen de Franco. Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Temas de Hoy, S.A.

Bradley, Ken. (1994). Brigadas Internacionales en España, 1936 - 1939: Ejércitos y batallas. Spain: Osprey Military series, Ediciones del Prado.

Dodge, Bernie. "Building Blocks of a WebQuest." [Online] 15 August 1999.

Dodge, Bernie. "The WebQuest Page" with template. [Online] 15 August 1999.

García-Pelayo y Gross, Ramón. (1983). Diccionario Larousse del Español Moderno. New York, NY: Signet by arrangement with Librairie Larousse.

Samaniego, Alarcón & Rojas. (1997). ¡Dime! Pasaporte al Mundo 21. Evanston, IL: D.C. Heath and Co., a division of Houghton Mifflin Co.

Sánchez Jiménez, José. (1991). La España Contemporánea (III) de 1931 a nuestros días. Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Istmo, S.A.

Swarthmore College Makers.[Online]

Tedick, Diane J. (Ed.) (1997). Minnesota Articulation Project's Proficiency-Oriented Language Instruction and Assessment: A Curriculum Handbook for Teachers. Minneapolis, MN: Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition.

Links or files for unit content:     A new window will open for each lesson.

Lesson 1: Introduction and brainstorming
Lesson 2: Reading activities, research and presentations
Lesson 3: What if...
Unit Assessment