Our first school newsletter website

Submitted by Hiroko Nagai

Language: Japanese
Unit Cultural Theme or
Academic Content Area:


Target Audience:

Traditional High School
Year of Instruction: 4

Proficiency Level:

Novice High



1.1, 1.2, 1.3








Unit Timeframe:

Ten to twelve 50 minute class sessions

Unit Overview:

Students will create a newsletter for their Japanese language class on the web.

Students will report about their school life for Japanese high school students. This activity can be used for several purposes: It can be used to improve writing skills, speaking and questioning skills in Japanese and Japanese text-publishing skills.

The first issue would be a short profile about each of the students in Japanese class. They will interview their classmates and write about them. Finally they compile all the student's profiles and publish them on a website using a Japanese-language-capable computer.

In the last lesson the students will discuss the various purposes of the newsletter on the web for future issue.

General Unit References and Resources:

A useful website explaining how to start e-exchange with schools in Japan
International e-exchange program

Links or files for unit content:     A new window will open for each lesson.

Lesson 01: Let's make our first class website (classmates introduction website)
Lesson 02: What do Japanese students want to know about your classmates? (Create interview questions)
Lesson 03: Gather information and write about your classmates
Lesson 04: Create the first newsletter (a classmate introduction) online
Lesson 05: Develop ideas and concepts for updates to Japanese class website