Our first school newsletter website
Lesson 01: Let's make our first class website (classmates introduction website)

Submitted by Hiroko Nagai


Students will...

  • examine the different types of classmate introduction profile websites online.
  • identify what kind of information should be provided for Japanese audiences to understand their classmates.


Language: Content Obligatory

Students will...

  •  use the following words in the different types of classmate introduction websites online:

自己紹介 (self introduction)

生年月日(birth date) 

星座 (sign of the zodiac ) 

血液型 (blood type) 

性格 (character)  

趣味 (hobby)

読書 (reading) 

自慢 (proud) 

部活 (club activities)  

科目 (class/subject) 

特技 (something special that you can do)

嫌いな( dislikes)  

好きな物 (favorite things)

Language: Content Compatible
Student will...

  • use the following language functions to examine the website:
    1) Narrating personal experiences
    2) Describing people (physical traits/temperament/attire)
    3) Expressing preference

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will...

  • predict upcoming information by using visual clue elaboration of prior language knowledge; use of common knowledge
  • work together with their classmates to determine the content.

Time Frame:

1-2 50-55 minute class sessions

Materials Needed:

1) Computer lab and audio (Japanese language capable)
2) List of web sites related to the personal profile in Japan (See "References and Resources")

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

1) As a class, the students will brainstorm responses to the following questions:
"What kind of information should you include on your personal web profile to introduce yourself to Japanese students?" "What do they want to know about you?" Teacher will write ideas on poster paper in Japanese.

2) After discussing and prioritizing the information to include and search for, students get into small groups. The ideal size of these groups would include two to three students.

3) Students work cooperatively at computers to find information about the websites similar to what they will be creating as a class. The list of these profile pages is listed in "References and Resources" later in this lesson. Students create lists of ways to introduce themselves and areas that are of interest to Japanese speakers.

4) After looking at the websites and discussing their conclusions of similarities and differences, each group fills in a Venn diagram to organize the items from the websites they investigated.


Informal assessment occurs throughout the activities.

References and Resources: (seating chart) (drawing) (high School) (Teachers) (chart/adult) (Class chart) (Proud)


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

Venn Diagram (pdf)