Sistemas corporales
Lesson 04: Behaviors and Effect on Body

Submitted by Tracey Kloeckl-Jimenez



Students will...

  • determine healthy as well as unhealthy behaviors
  • transform this knowledge on behaviors into 2nd person formal or informal affirmative and negative commands
  • recognize the use of direct and indirect commands as well as the subjunctive voice in recommendations made on different health websites (or by interactive health professionals)


Language: Content Obligatory

Students will...

  • transform verbs having to do with healthy/unhealthy behavior (both reflexive and non-reflexive) into informal/formal 2nd person singular commands (i.e. relájate/relájese, lávate/lávese las manos. (See the content-obligatory section of Unit-appendixA.doc for additional verbs.)
  • recognize the imperative voice as well as the subjunctive voice in recommendations found on Spanish web sites designed to promote good health or made by health professionals who are able to visit the classroom in person or via interactive conferencing. (See Lesson 5 resources for on-line conferencing)
  • interpret information from on-line sources about behaviors to promote good health

Language: Content Compatible

Students will...

  • formulate questions/confirm beliefs about healthy behaviors through the repetition of the subjuntive voice as viewed in written recommendations with a simple tag-on ¿no? or ¿Es verdad? Es necesario que se lave las manos antes de comer, ¿no?

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:

Students will...

  • use contextual cues (titles, headlines, on-line graphics, cognates, frequency of occurrence and previously-learned words) in order to identify what part of the body is being discussed
  • use contextual cues to aide in comprehension of what commands, if any, are included
  • scan or skim for recognizable recommendations which will most likely start with an impersonal expression and include the word que, i.e. Es importante que te cepilles los dientes... 
  • formulate authentic questions in order to confirm their beliefs about healthy behavior (if given the opportunioty to interview a health care worker

Time Frame:

2-3 days of 50-minute periods

Materials Needed:

  • Blackboard or overhead projector
  • Computer lab with access to Internet (at least one computer needed for each team of study)
  • Disks for the students to save their notes as well as their web sites where they found good recommendations as well as visuals
  • Printer for students to print out a hard copy of any handouts

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Pre-Task Setup:
Teacher arranges for 4 days of laboratory use (days 12, 13, 14 and 15): 2 for acquiring information (lesson 4) and 2 for finalizing brochure format and content (summative assessment) or arranges for a Spanish-speaking health professional (or professionals) to interact with the classroom about their theories on which behaviors to promote and which to discourage.

Students compile class list of desirable/undesirable behaviors on black/white board. Instructor review Spanish recommendations and how this can elicit the subjunctive voice. After students have listed several verbs in the subjunctive, teacher points out the resemblance between these subjunctive forms and the formal commands. Pairs practice affirmative formal command forms in relation to actions/behaviors the students have decided to promote and negative formal command forms in relation to the behaviors the students have decided to discourage.

During task 4A (day 12):
Teacher explains student summative assessment (see 4~5-brochureguidelines.doc), which requires that the students investigate the types of expressions designed to promote good health and incorporate them into an appealing brochure format Students access web sites on Trackstar™, which are designed to promote good health. Students revise list of desired/undesired behaviors, if necessary and decide which expressions they would like to include in their own brochures on healthy lifestyles. OR Interactive visitor shares knowledge about healthy/unhealthy behaviors and recommendations with the classroom. Students revise list of desired/undesired behaviors, if necessary.

During task 4B (day 13):
Students continue to read through web sites and/or on-line magazines designed to promote good health. They find brochure-compatible content: affirmative/negative commands, appropriate vocabulary, and interesting expressions that they could pull from in making their own recommendations on health (min.12-15). OR Teacher projects a text of a transcribed script from yesterday's class and allows students 10 minutes to identify commands as well as recommendations having to do with health. Students begin to accumulate expressions they would like to include in their own brochures on healthy lifestyles.

Post-task 4:
Students begin to align all commands or recommendations that they have decided to use in either the formal or informal register, depending on whether they want their brochure to have more of an informal or professional format.


At the end of day 13, the instructor will collect and give feedback on the recommendations and commands that the students would like to use in their own brochures to promote good health (see Task 5).

References and Resources:

For Trackstar™ sites designed to promote good health,

For Trackstar™ information and resources,


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)
