A Trip to Berlin
Projekt C, D, E, F and G

Submitted by Marcie Zachmeier-Ruh



Project C) · become familiar with typical opening days and hours for museums in Germany Project D) · recognize similarities and differences between hotels in Germany and in the U.S. Project E) · recognize similarities and differences between temperatures, climate, weather, and measurements in Berlin and Minnesota.

Language: Content Obligatory
Project C) · understand language pertaining to museums, including: Lage, Bezirk, Straße, öffentliche Verkehrsanbindungen, U-Bahn, Öffnungszeiten, Eintritt, ab, Karte gilt für, Staatl. Museen, für den gleichen Tag, ermäßigt, ständige Ausstellung, Leitung, Führungen, Sprachen: dt., engl., frz.... Project D) · understand and use language to describe a hotel, including: Einzelzimmer (EZ), Doppelzimmer (DZ), Bad, Dusche, Unterkunft, Jugendherberge, Pension, in der City, im Grünen, preiswert, teuer, von/bis, inkl. MwSt., Frühstück, Tegel, Zoo, Norden, Süden, Osten, Westen, Umland... and other vocabulary describing location, room rates, and amenities Project E) · list clothing items Project G) · use adjectives, adverbs, and first-person singular and plural verbs in the past perfect tense to describe sights and activities

Language: Content Compatible
Project E) · understand phrases used in weather forecasts

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:

Time Frame:

4 days, 50 minute periods

Materials Needed:

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Day 6:
- Projekt C) Museen:
Students log onto "" and click "Museen und Galerien" on the left side, under the heading "Kultur und Freizeit" OR scroll down and click on the blue "Bezirke" map on the right. Each student chooses 2 museums (Berlin has over 160!), and completes the "Museen" worksheet.

Near the end of the hour, students meet in their small groups; individuals report (in English) on their museum choices. Each group selects ONE museum to visit and a representative to present the mus eum to the class.

- Projekt C) Museen:
- Representatives each write a short rationale statement (in English) explaining why their museum was chosen. The statement should include information about admission and opening days/hours as well as the theme and any famous contents of the museum's collection. - Representatives must also find or draw a small picture (3 x 3") representing the contents of their museum. These will be attached at the appropriate locations on the Berlin map.

Day 7:
- Projekt C) Museen: (cont.)
Group representatives present their museums to the whole class, including information about admission and opening days/hours as well as the content of the museum. As they finish, each representative attaches a picture of the selected museum at the appropriate location on the Berlin map.

- Projekt D) Hotel:
Now that the planned activities have been set, the class is ready to choose a hotel in which to stay. Each group discusses (in English) which "Bezirk" would be the best location for the hotel, making written notes of the rationale.

Teacher presents an brief introduction of hotel terminology to enable students to navigate the hotel sites when class goes to the computer lab the following day.

Class reads together the current weather conditions in Berlin and the three-day forecast (found at "", click on "Das Wetter heute" at the far right side). Teacher leads a discussion of the difference between temperature measurements in Celsius and those in Fahrenheit, the latitudinal location of Berlin compared to Minneapolis, and the similarities between Berlin and Minnesota, based on the characteristics of a continental climate.

- Projekt E) Kleiderliste:
Students prepare (in German) a list of clothes and other items that they will need to bring with them for the trip, based on the activities they have chosen and the weather forecast for Berlin.

Day 8:
- Projekt D) Hotel:
Students search individually for hotels located in the selected ìBezirkî, complete the ìHotelsî worksheet for 3 hotels, and then choose the one hotel they feel would be best for the class. As they browse through the hotel selection, students should take notes about the differences and similarities they find, comparing hotels in Berlin to those in the US.

- Projekt D) Hotel:
- Students write brief (max. 1 minute) descriptions about their selected hotel in German (based on the information on the ìHotelsî worksheet) to prepare for conversation on following day.

Day 9:
- Projekt D) Hotel: (cont.)
Groups meet again; students each present their favorite hotel, explaining (in German)the reasons for their choice. Each group votes on a hotel.

Based on observations gathered from the web sites, the entire class discusses (in English) the differences and similarities between German and US hotels.

The name of each group's hotel is added at the appropriate location on the Berlin map, and a representative of each group presents its choice of hotel, listing the rationale for choosing it.

- Projekt F) Kartenlegende:
The teacher divides the following categories evenly according to the number of groups in the class: Sehenswürdigkeiten (3 groups), Museen (1 group), Aktivitäten (2 groups), Hotels (1 group). Each group selects one category and creates a legend/key to accompany the Berlin map. The legend must list all the locations within the category that have been posted on the map, using alphabetical and numerical coordinates.

- Projekt G) Postkarte:
Students write a postcard (in German)to a former German exchange student who lives in another town in Germany. They must include information about and their opinion of any 3 of the following: a sight visited, a historical event in Berlin, an evening activity, or the group hotel. Students should draw a picture on back of postcard representing some aspect of Berlin.


Projekt D) - Short written and oral descriptions of a hotel in German Projekt G) - Postcard written in German Projekt C) - ìMuseenî worksheet Projekt D) - ìHotelsî worksheet Projekt E) - Packing list in German Project F) - Group map legend

References and Resources:

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