Основная география Российской Федерации
Unit Assessment

Submitted by Jeffrey Kase

Time Frame:

1 50-minute period

Materials Needed:

  • Blank city map
  • City map pictures
  • City map key
  • Glue stick (1 per student)
  • Overhead projector or computer and LCD projector

Description of Task:


1. Teacher reviews vocabulary using flashcards (the pictures for the flashcards will be the same as those used by students when they construct their Russian city maps.


2. Teacher reviews words and phrases previously used and familiar to students when eliciting answers for the flashcards and for locations (i.e. что это, здесь концерт, здесь студенты, это место гулять, на севере, на юге, etc.)


3. Teacher hands out blank city maps and pictures of landmarks and transportation and tells the students to listen to the instructions and construct their city maps using the blank maps, pictures, and glue.


During Task:

1. Teacher reads a description of where each street, avenue, landmark, building, and transportation spot is located on the map.  Teacher will use the city map key to describe the city's layout.


2. Students glue pictures onto the blank map and write in the names of the streets and avenues in their proper location as described by the teacher.


Post Task:

1. Teacher may project the city map key with the use of an overhead projector and transparency or project the city map key file via an LCD projector and computer.


2. Students compare their city maps to the projected key and self correct their maps.


3. Teacher collects maps for assessment of the accuracy of the map project.

References and Resources:

Clip art (included in the attachments section) or photo images of actual landmarks may be used for this performance assessment.


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)


