Visitemos la Universidad de Concepción
Lesson 04. Matriculación

Submitted by Elizabeth Valencia-Borgert


Students will...

  • Demonstrate an understanding in how the selection of classes is done on a Latin American university.
  • Recognize the importance of declaring a major at the moment of admission.
  • Demonstrate an understading of the information required for admission
  • Identify the steps needed to sucessfully register for classes in a Latin American university

Students will...

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of using both last names in the Hispanic culture. when filling up official documents 
  • Recognize the proper way to provide an address in the Hispanic culture.
  • Identify the adequate way to write phone numbers and dates

Language: Content Obligatory
Students will...

  • Use cognates to identify majors such as biología, medicina, educación.
  • write simple sentences following the SVO pattern  ( present tense)to indicate a reason to attend La Universidad de Concepción such as, la universidad es buena, mi carrera es biología
  • Demonstrate understanding of  university jargon such as, plan común, horario, régimen, diurno, campo ocupacional.
  • Use cardinal numbers to identify each phase in the major with phrases such as primer semestre, segundo año
  • Use 1st person singular present of necesitar to indicate what classes needed to be taken each semester using phrases such as necesito tomar biología.  
  • Use of hay to indicate the number of semesters for each major with phrases such as hay 10 semestres en la carrera de biología.
  • Use comparative structures (equality and inequality) such as "tan grande como.." más bonita que..... in order to find similarities and differences between universities.

Language: Content Compatible
Students will...

  • Make use of exclamative phrases such as ¡tantas clases! or ¡que semestre tan pesado! to express the overload that a student may feel
  • Use of adjetives and nouns to describe the recommended personality characteristics for each major, i.e. para estudiar biología debe ser disciplinado, debe tener disciplina
  • Use 3rd person singular present tense of deber to highlight personal characteristics with phrases such as debe ser trabajador
  • Use of the verb escoger in the command form in 2nd person singular, present tense in phrases such as escoge un número
  • Demonstrate understanding of  new vocabulary such as Cédula de identidad, fono, carrera, nacimiento, postulante to be able to fill out the registration form.
  • Recognize cognates to fill out matriculation form.

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will...

  • Show the ability to work in small groups to accomplish tasks
  • Use scanning skills to identify relevant information
  • Understand date formats addresses, nationalities
  • Use authentic material to research information
  • Demonstrate an understandng in how to fill up a matriculation form from a hsipanic university

Time Frame:

 2 sessions of  50 minutes each 

Materials Needed:


  • Brainstorm session form
  • S.O. S.message
  • Selección de clases  Paso 1 Paso 2
  • Solicitud de admisión form
  • Venn Diagram (to review grammatical structures)



  • Solicitud de admisión form
  • Selección de clases  Paso 1 Paso 2  
  • Checklist


  • Transparency marker
  • Stamp
  • Projection screen
  • Overhead projector

Multimedia resources:

  • Internet access
  • Computer lab
  • Computer file of brochure/folleto (Word version)

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Pre-task  10 minutes (in the computer lab) Collect  the hard copy of the brochure/folleto

Ask in L2 student to go back to their groups and find a terminal.  

Tenemos que formar el mismo group de tres personas para buscar la información. Por favor,  siéntense frente a una computadora.

Ask them to access the word version of the brochure/folleto.

Present the Venn Diagram  transparency to review the differences and similarities. They can use their word version brochure/folleto as a source of information. 

Primero tenemos que identificar cuales son las diferencias y similaridades entre las dos universidades

Inquire about potential comparisons in L2 and gives examples:

  •  la universidad american es tan grande como la universidad hispana
  • la universidad hispana tiene tantos estudiantes como la universidad americana. 

Debrief the class with this activity by reviewing the comparative structures.

Next, bring the S.O.S.message transparency  to the overhead  to identify what has been done and what else needs to be done. Make a check mark next to the información, and bring their attention to the next task, the matriculation and selection of classes.

Ahora vamos a ver que tenemos aquí.  Nosotros ya vimos el video de la universidad Latinoamericana (make check mark), y  ahora tenemos que llenar el formulario de Solicitud de Admissión  y luego seleccionar las clases"

During-task (40 minutes)

First,  place on the overhead  the Brainstorm session form transparency to help them start some discussion at a group level about the  process in L1. What type of questions could be asked in the Solicitud de Admissión?

Discussion takes place in L1 due to lack of time, and level of proficiency of the students. 

Write down any ideas presented by the class and keep them in a visible place in the classroom(the class will go back to it after they finished their task fro comaprison purposes)

Bring students' attention to the next task in L2

Vamos ahora a llenar la Solicitud de Admisión  de la Universidad  de Concepción

Hand out one form of  Solicitud de admisión form handout for each team. Along with the form students receive a checklist handout that will help them fill up the form correctly.

Announced in L1 :

  1. They need to fill up the form correctly and completely
  2. They need to verify with checklist handout before turning it in
  3. They need to turning in the Solicitud de Admisión and checklist when done
  4. They need to receive an approval stamp on the forms before they can move on to the class registration

Go over  both forms and ask students to find cognates

¿Hay cognados aquí?

Place the Solicitud de admisión form  transparency onthe overhead and mention  that they need to fill up the form with their personal information. Show students how to do it  for the first two lines by using his/her imformation. Check comprehension by asking questions such as,

¿Cuáles son tus apellidos? ¿cuál es tu dirección (explain the format) ¿cuál es tu número de teléfono? (explain format)

For the sake of simplicity, the major selected will be biology.

Next, mention  that they need to select the classes for that major.

Después vamos a selecionar las clases para el semestre, y lo vamos a hacer usando la web de la universidad. 

Present the Selección de clases  Paso 1 Paso 2 transparency and go over what is requested.

Go over the steps . 

If there are no questions, students will work in small groups.

 Post-task (15 minutes)

Since students will not have enough time to move on to the Selección de clases  Paso 1 Paso 2 , the next class time will be used only in finishing the forms. Ask students to write their names on the form (s) that have not been completed yet. Collect them and return them  in the next class period.

** Day 2 **

Return the brochure/folleto collected during the last class.

Students will continue working on:

  • Solicitud de Admisión handout
  • Selección de clases Paso 1 Paso 2. handout


    Using all the handouts givento them, students will create a brochure which  will cover three aspects of a Latin American university:

    1. information about the university

    2. registration  process

    3. major and classes.

    Also, they  will need to compare the Latin American university with an American university

    Students will receive the guidelines they need to follow to create the final product Processo para escribir handout (written in L2). Also they will receive the rubrics handout established  to evaluate their work (L1)  

  • Assessment:

    the brochure/folleto handout

    References and Resources:

    Admission form based on the Universidad de Concepción Website "Solicitud de Registro"


    NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

    Solicitud de registro,  "solicitud de Admisión" solicitud.doc. created with Microsoft Word 
    NOTE: needs a legal size page to print out

    Rubric for Brochure
    Brainstorm session
    Checklist for the matriculation form.
    El proceso para escribir (checklist)
    Selección de clases  Primer Paso  - Segundo  Paso