¡Qué Vivan los Latin Grammys!
Lesson 03: Nominaciones

Submitted by Jody Ziemann


Students will...

  • identify characteristics of an Hispanic artist or group currently nominated for a Latin Grammy
  • demonstrate knowledge of current Spanish-speaking musicians by creating a PowerPoint presentation about an individual artist or group


Language: Content Obligatory
Students will...

  • relate  information using vocabulary such as nació/nacieron, tocó/tocaron, empezó/empezaron to summarize biographical facts about a chosen artist/group

Language: Content Compatible
Students will...

  • use correct forms of descriptive words to describe a person or group of people

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will...

  • work together cooperatively with partners
  • deduce meaning from authentic materials

Time Frame:

2-3 class periods of 70 minutes

Materials Needed:

  • handout of requirements (see below)
  • powerpoint and internet
  • computer lab

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Students are instructed that they will be learning about the current year's Latin Grammys musicians.  Pair up students (according to teacher preference) to research an artist/group from the current year's list of nominees.  It works much more smoothly if you have narrowed down the list from the Latin Grammys website to include different types of music, such as rock latino, salsa, etc.  Also, not all new artists have extensive information available on the Web at the time of nomination.  Each pair must choose a different musician/group.  Their final product will be a PowerPoint presentation to share with the class.

Give students the handout with the specific information they are to find out about each musician

Take students to a computer lab and have them research.  This could take 2 or three days to find the information and get the Powerpoint finished.

Questions about interesting things they've found so far at the end of each research period.


Describe how this lesson will be assessed. It can be very informal: a checklist, worksheet, self-assessment, homework, etc.

References and Resources:

List only References and Resources specific to this Lesson.


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

List only Attachments specific to this Lesson.

Presentation Rubric