Governance / organization...

Language / Literature

Language and Literature together in one unit


Separate language unit

(secondary school) 1

Administration / Funding*

Single language department


Share budget with other LCTLs


Share budget with CTLs


Share budget with area studies


Partial funding from grants or endowments


Independent study


Program for gifted and talented students (secondary school)


Share budget with linguistics


* More then one response was given by some.

Other Cases

Irish classes in Madison, Wisconsin are taught by someone with a University of Wisconsin affiliation, but the language instruction is not administered or funded through the University. Classroom space is provided through the generosity of the Department of History.

At Marlboro College, all foreign language instruction is housed in one unit, but all college faculty in all disciplines have an equal say in administrative/budget affairs, so there is no structure per se.

At UCSD, undergraduate-level Japanese and Chinese belong to the History Department, and undergraduate-level Korean and Vietnamese belong to the Graduate School of International Relations. However, all undergraduate-level language instruction is under the Dean of Humanities, who controls the budget for all language instruction.