Clock Hours and Graduate-Level Credit
Learn about options for earning clock hours or graduate-level credit for participating in CARLA's Summer Institutes.
Clock Hour Certification
Participants can earn certificates for up to 30 Clock Hours of Continuing Professional Education for full attendance at any of the week-long CARLA summer institutes, or up to 6 clock hours/day for the three-day institutes. Certificates are requested on the last day of the institute and are based on actual attendance records. Certificates are sent out within 3-4 weeks of the end of the institute.
Graduate-Level Credit Options
Some of the CARLA summer institutes are available for two graduate-level credits at an additional cost through the University of Minnesota’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD).
International participants are currently not eligible to enroll for credit for in-person institutes because of INS regulations, unless they are matriculated into a University of Minnesota program. International participants may take online courses for credit if they are not in the U.S.
Institutes for language teachers offering graduate-level credit registration this year. All are offered for two graduate-level credits:
- Creativity in the Language Classroom (CI 5627)–CEHD
- Culture as the Core in the Second Language Classroom (CI 5621)–CEHD
- Using Target Language Texts to Support Students' Literacies Development (CI 5667)–CEHD
- Teaching Language Through the Lens of Social Justice (CI 5629 sec. 1)–CEHD
Tuition & Fees for Graduate-Level Credit
- Tuition and fees for graduate-level credits depends on whether the participant is a current degree-seeking/certificate student or a non-degree-seeking student (not matriculated in a UMN program) who wishes to take the institute for credit.
- For detailed information about the costs and the process of registration see the CARLA Summer Institute Registration webpage.
Grading Timeline
- All grades need to be submitted by instructors by Wednesday, August 13, 2025, and should be available online by Friday, August 15, 2025. There is no guarantee that students can receive a grade earlier than this date.
- Please note that instructors must submit grades for all participants at the same time; they cannot submit students' grades earlier than three days after the final project due date.
View Grades Online
- Learn how to view your final grades.
- The University of Minnesota does not mail out grades to students.
Need help? Contact the University of Minnesota Technology Help Services if you do not remember your username and password and need assistance to access your grades.
Request a Transcript
- Learn how to request a transcript.
- It is advisable to check to make sure that your grade has been posted before you request an official transcript.