CARLA WORKSHOP: Growth Mindset Grading Practices to Report Language Learner Progress
How can language educators equitably report learner progress using growth mindset practices, even if they must work within a mandated grading system? By exploring three core grading principles workshop participants will learn how to develop grading practices which promote language growth and offer every learner the chance to succeed. Attendees will participate in experiences to help them understand how grading impacts learners. Practical examples of how to put the principles into practice, including detailed explanations of how gradebooks could look, will be provided based on a chapter in the new ACTFL publication titled Learner Feedback for Language Growth.
After this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Align gradebooks with proficiency standards based outcomes to reflect what students know or can perform;
- Identify grading opportunities that promote a growth mindset; and
- Separate classroom behaviors from performance.
Karen Nickel is a consultant and coach for K-16 educators of languages and cultures. She is a coauthor, with Megan Budke and Sarah Strauss of the recent ACTFL publication Learner Feedback for Language Growth. Serving for over 35 years in education, she is a former teacher of German and English, a former world language curriculum coordinator and was the 2021 president of the Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures.
Target Audience: This workshop is most applicable for educators of languages offered at the middle and high school levels or any educator who works within a mandatory grading system and is looking for ways to more clearly report learners’ language growth.
Registration is now closed.