German Renaissance and Expressionist Art

Submitted by Barbara Janssen

Language: German
Unit Cultural Theme or
Academic Content Area:


Target Audience:

Traditional High School
Year of Instruction: 3

Proficiency Level:

Intermediate Mid

Unit Timeframe:

One week for 86 minutes per day

Unit Overview:

Students will learn some biographical information about these four Renaissance artists:  Dürer, Cranach, Grünewald and Holbein the Younger, and how their artwork fits the Renaissance style. Students will learn the same for Expressionist artists Kirchner, Beckmann, Kandinsky, Klee, Marc and Dix.  Students will compare the two styles, discuss preferences, read about the artists and their styles on the Web, explain a painting, and take a stance on which to sell and which to buy for their art museum.


The unit will be taught in between the study of WWI and WWII, so that students can see the effect of WWI on the Expressionists.  Students already know present and past tenses, the subjunctive, and the passive voice in present tense.  They may remember learning about Franz Marc in 6th grade.  I would assume little, if any, knowledge of art history.

General Unit References and Resources:

List here - general unit resources only. Most resources you will list for each lesson at the lesson level.

Links or files for unit content:     A new window will open for each lesson.

empty lesson
Unit Assessment