Social Drama

Submitted by Melissa Melnick

Language: Spanish
Unit Cultural Theme or
Academic Content Area:


Target Audience:

Immersion High School
Grade: 4

Proficiency Level:

Advanced Low



1.1, 1.2, 1.3



3.1, 3.2




Unit Timeframe:

This unit will be completed in 22 days during 50 minute time periods.

Unit Overview:

Students will read and analyze various types of dramatic works (plays) and learn the vocabulary associated with theater. The final product will be a play that they have written for elementary students. The play will be used to teach a lesson about issues affecting elementary age students. Examples include being polite, making friends, resolving conflicts and personal hygiene.


This unit is designed for a literature or language arts class with high school students who are in a dual immersion program. The class strives to achieve linguistic goals (in Spanish) as well as social betterment and to develop ties to the community. The students are from diverse linguistic and socio-cultural backgrounds. Through this exposure to theater, students will learn to write dialogue from multiple perspectives.

General Unit References and Resources:

Dominicis, Maria C. & John J. Reynolds. (1994) Repase y escriba. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Spanish Embassy Web Site

Varona-Lacey, Gladys, ed. (1997) Introduccion a la literature hispano-americana: de la conquista al siglo XX. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company.

Links or files for unit content:     A new window will open for each lesson.

Lesson 01: Introduction to Dialogue
Lesson 02: Biografía de un autor
Lesson 03: Fairy Tale Adaptation
Lesson 04: Reading a play
Unit Assessment