Yo soy el agua
Lesson 03: Usos del agua (Uses of Water)

Submitted by Mary Bartolini


Students will:

  • Identify uses of water and its importance for human lives.

Students will:

  • Observe how people use water in different contexts.

Language: Content Obligatory
Students will: 

  • Use the language chunk "Se usa el agua para ..." (Water is used for…) to express different uses of water.
  • Use the infinitive of the verbs lavar, cocinar, nadar, pescar, regar, beber, hervir, apagar, navegar, vivir to indicate different uses of water with the phrase Se usa el agua para… or Yo uso el agua para...

Language: Content Compatible
Students will: 

  •  Express why water is important using El agua es importante porque ... or El agua es importante para ... 
  •  Use the preposition para to formulate questions (¿para qué se usa el agua?) and to construct answers (para lavar, para cocinar, para limpiar)
  • Use the nouns un actor/una actriz, un escritor/una escritora, un lector/una lectora and the present tense of the verb querer to identify different roles for small group work (Yo quiero ser el escritor/ Yo quiero ser la actriz)

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will:

  • Obtain new information from listening to a text.
  • Represent uses of water.

Time Frame:

Day 3 (one 45-minute period)

Materials Needed:

  • T-chart ( see attachment in lesson 2)
  • Books (El agua and Agua)
  • Sentence strips, markers, pencils, paper.

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Preview Phase

Teacher refers to the T-chart they created the day before (medio artificial/medio natural) and reads the ideas.

After having briefly reviewed the content of the previous lesson, the teacher will ask students to reflect on the importance of water for human beings by asking questions such as: ¿Crees que el agua es importante para nosotros? (do you believe that water is important for us) and ¿Por qué? (why). All answers will be written down by the teacher and will provide a foundation for the next part of the lesson. Teacher writes down students' answers (the answers would be directed to uses of water so they would be linked with the next part of the lesson).

Focused Learning Phase:

Teacher introduces the book “El agua” by saying that the book will also talk about why water is important in humans’ lives and how different persons use water.

Students answer comprehension questions like ¿De qué nos habla este libro? <(What is this book talking about?) ¿Qué información nos da el libro? (What information is the book giving us?) Teacher writes down students' answers and clarifies uses of water at the end.

Expansion Phase:

Representing two uses of water

Teacher explains the steps for the activity:

1. Students form groups of three. Each group should have a writer (un escritor/una escritora), a reader (un lector/una lectora) and an actor/actress (un actor/una actriz) .

2. Students choose between the different roles in the small group using the chunk "yo quiero ser una/un ..." .

3. Students select two uses of water:

The writer will write using sentence strips.
The reader will read them to the whole class.
The actor/actress will act out each use.

4. Each group will present in turn.

5. After the presentation they will paste their sentence strips to a big piece of paper in order to create a class poster.


  • Observing students' cooperative work.
  • Observing students' written products.

References and Resources:

Solé V., C. & Parramón, J. (1983). El agua. Woodbury, NY: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.

Morris, A. (1996). Agua. Glenview, IL: Harper Collins Educational Publishers, Inc.


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