Family and Immigrant History
Lesson 05 - How to conduct a personal history interview

Submitted by Ruthanne Weispfenning


Students will...

  • demonstrate their understanding of how to conduct a personal history interview by first interviewing a volunteer in the target language and then a classmate.

Students will...

  • recognize that others have a personal history by using the interview techinque.

Language: Content Obligatory
Students will...

  • use question words to gather information from our example subject and later from a classmate.
  • use complex statements to restate answer given  them by the classmate they are interviewing.

Language: Content Compatible
Students will...

  • summarize or paraphrase what the interviewed person has said using the past tense and the 2nd person formal with our example subject
  • summarize or paraphrase what the interviewed person has said using the 2nd person informal with the classmate that they interview.
  • make use of rejoiners in order to help the person being interviewed expand on their thoughts.

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will...

  • plan and conduct interviews using the following techniques:
    • knowing how to write open ended questions as opposed to yes/no
    • brainstorming questions beforehand
    • sequencing questions for maximum specific information gathering
    • arranging an interview - time, place, materials needed
    • checking for comprehension of information - hear, repeat, write
    • note taking
    • questioning for clarification
    • setting the right atmosphere
    • reflection on what you have learned

Time Frame:

3 - 50 minute periods

Materials Needed:

  • Adult volunteer who is an immigrant
  • Questionaire for Interview preparation - prepared by students

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Students with teacher will brainstorm about what makes a successful interview.  Together the Worksheet for Interview preparation is filled out by class. 

In class students brainstorm interview questions for adult volunteer (target language speaker) about the volunteer's life and especially their immigration expericence. 

Students interview the adult volunteer

Following the interview with the volunteer each students using his or her notes to write a summary of the interview using 3rd person and the past tense. 

Students then will be ready to prepare an interview with a classmate using the Worksheet and brainstorming the questions they will ask their classmate about an event in their life that appeared on that student's personal timeline. This interview will be summarized in a 10 sentence 3rd person narrative account by the student who is doing the interview.


All in the target language:
Notes taken from class interview with adult volunteer.
Written summary of class interview with adult volunteer.
Questions and notes from interview with classmate.
Written summary of above interview.

References and Resources:

Internet site Lesson 202


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

Worksheet for Interview Preparation