Las formas geométricas
Lesson 3: Lo puedo dibujar. (I Can Draw it.)

Submitted by Kim Wieber duSaire


Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the structure of basic shapes by drawing them and labeling them.


Language: Content Obligatory
Students will...

  • use the words la forma, los lados, los vertices, and the names of the shapes when labeling and describing the shapes.
  • use the present tense, third person singular of tener and ser when describing their shapes.
  • spell the names of the shapes correctly in writing.

Language: Content Compatible
Students will...

  • demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary related to the computer, e.g. computadora ratón, teclas, pantalla, borrar, abrir, guardar, cerrar, and archivo, by responding appropriately to instructions involving these terms.
  • use color and size words to describe their shapes.
  • demonstrate their knowledge of adjective agreement and placement by describing the shapes with adjectives such as grande, pequeño, largo, corto or colors; e.g. "El círculo es rojo." or "El rectángulo es largo."

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will...

  • demonstrate understanding of the Kidpix program by using the tools necessary to draw the shapes.

Time Frame:

One class perios of 45 minutes in the computer lab, plus 30 minutes minimum in the classroom

Materials Needed:

  • Poster of labeled shapes
  • Kidpix program (or other shape-drawng program - MS Word, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • computer lab
  • lined writing paper
  • construction paper

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Before students begin working on the computers, provide them with a simple review of the shapes. This can be done while demonstrating to them how they will draw the shapes using KidPix. As the teacher draws a shape, students can name it, assist in labelling it, and suggest a color for the shape.

Students are to draw and label, using the correct articles, the basic shapes using Kidpix. They may add color or designs to the shapes. Print the students' work.

After the computer lesson, students will write about the shapes they created. Possible sentences might include Mi círculo es rojo. or El rectángulo es grande. To make a class book, glue each students' shapes and written work onto a piece of construction paper and bind them.


Formative Assessment:
Students' shapes and written sentences


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