Sea Life
Lesson 04 - Creating a Power Point Presentation

Submitted by Tricia Farner Christopherson


Students will identify the most important information from their research


Language: Content Obligatory

Language: Content Compatible

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:

Time Frame:

4 sessions of 30 minutes each

Materials Needed:

Power Point plan sheet
computer with Internet access for each student
disc for each student
Microsoft Power Point

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

This lesson is assuming that they have had minimal keyboarding skills and know the basics of Word Processing.

Day One:
Students each receive a planning sheet for their Power Point slide. They fill out their name and topic.

Students choose 3 main ideas from their paper to input as the 3 main points for their slide.

Student's must have their plan checked by the teacher for punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Day Two:
In the computer lab, teacher shows students the steps to creating a slide and then walks them through one together.

*Choose a slide layout (we will all choose the same format)
*Using the cursor to determine which part of your slide you are working on
*Type their three points
*How to save their work to their disk
Students fill in their slides with type written information.

Day Three:
In the computer lab, teacher shows students the following:

*How to open their work from their disk
*Review how to get on the Internet
*Review search engines such as,
*How to import a picture off of the Internet
*How to save their work to a disk
Students work on their slide

Day Four:
Students work on their slide
Students print out their slide when finished.


Instructor will put all slides together for a class presentation. This presentation can be used for conferences, end of the year show off celebration, etc.

The printed out copies will be put together with the papers in an informations class book for students to take turns taking home.


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

Power Point Slide Plan