Iberian History Overview
Lesson 04: Brainstorming Session for Historical Groups

Submitted by Jean Schuster


Students will be able to:
· Describe their historic period in terms of its leaders,dates important events, significant cities and pertinent people groups.
· Name the significant cultural impact that people groups of their historical period had on Spanish civilization.


Language: Content Obligatory
The student will:
· Clarify and arrange their information over their historical period that they learned in the TrackStar Activity of the previous lesson by employing the Word Banks that they completed in the previous lesson,e.g. Los monarcas del siglo XV eran....
· Request information that they may not have obtained on the handouts of the previous lesson by using interrogatives, e.g. No tengo las fechas de la Guerra Civil...¿qué son?
· Be able to form open-ended questions to make suggestions to the group about the organization of the information they must share, e.g.,¿Qué piensan Uds. si incluimos en la presentación...?
· Report about the major leaders, events, cities and people groups concerning their historical period to another group by synthesizing the facts learned in the TrackStar Activity, e.g. La Ilustración en España era una época de...
· Recognize and use the following words in Spanish:

la fecha
la razón (razones)
la ubicación
la entrada
la salida
la contribución
el país de origin
el título
el acontecimiento
el contexto

Language: Content Compatible
Students may use the following structures during their group work:
· Use the following vocabulary to argue or debate the inclulsion of certain facts:

Creo/Opino que + pres. indic.
Pienso que + present indicative
¿Qué les parece si nosotros...?
A mí me parece que...
Eso lo veo diferente.
No creo que + present subjunctive
No pienso que + pres. subj.
(No)Debemos + infinitive
No estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices.
· Use the following expressions to affirm another's ideas.
Creo que tienes razón.
¡Buena idea!
De acuerdo.
Está bien.
Bueno. Vale.

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will:
· Take notes in Spanish on relevant facts of the analysis.
· Interpret information in Spanish provided by other students in the group.
· Form a conscensus about the salient information of their historical period.
· Cooperate in the analysis of the information to reach an agreement on the symbols to be used for the presentation to the other class members.
· Encourage the participation of other group members to develop a team product.

Time Frame:

At least 2 50-minute periods

Materials Needed:

· Completed handouts from Lesson 03
· Blank 8x11 sheets of paper
· Markers/colored pens

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

 Students will get into groups according to their historical period. Everyone's handout for the Lesson 03 TrackStar Activity should be completed in Spanish and in complete thoughts.

Task Steps:
1. Students will check that everyone's information is the same and that there are no discrepencies among them.

2. Using the Brainstorming Idea Web, students will discuss in Spanish how to complete the Brainstorming Handout recording the information requested on the Idea Web.

3. They will then brainstorm how to present this material to the class using pictures or symbols for each catagory on the handout, i.e. the most important leaders of their historic period.

Finally, they will take turns rehearsing with the group their presentation that they will have to give to others in the class during the next lesson.


Rubric for Tarea Escrita
Rubric for Comunicación

References and Resources:


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

Instrucciones para Actividad de Brainstorming
Bosquejo for Tarea Escrita
Web de Ideas Diagram
Rubric for Comunicación
Rubric for Tarea Escrita