Gender Roles
Lesson 14

Submitted by POLIA Handbook




Language: Content Obligatory

Language: Content Compatible

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:

Time Frame:

Materials Needed:

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

LESSON 14 - Taking action- working toward meaningful change in personal lives The class looks at the completed "Utopia Graphs" created by the groups and students are asked to think of aspects of their own lives that reflect gender discrimination and that they would like to change. The Action Plan handouts (provided) are distributed, one copy for each student. They are to identify:

* one situation they can change immediately * one situation needing long-term action Students are to describe the situations, state a desired outcome and formulate a plan for dealing with both situations. The class generates ideas for both short and long-term changes. For example, an immediate situation might involve a male student who is responsible for mowing the lawn and shoveling snow, while his sister has minimal household chores, which she often avoids. He wants to share responsibility for the yardwork and household chores with his sister. What might he do t achieve the desired outcome? A long term situation might be described as the lack of a girl's hockey team in the school. What might the students (males and females) do to remedy the situation? Plans to change immediate situations should be developed by all students individually. The teacher may choose to have individual students each work on a long-term situation also or to have a variety of options for long term situations and have the class vote on one that they would like to work on together. A common date for checking progress towards the goals will be negotiated with the whole group. The descriptions and action plans should be submitted to the teacher. Progress towards individual outcomes will be monitored by the teacher on the date negotiated by the class.


References and Resources:

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