Problem Solving and Solutions
Lesson 2 - Analyzing and Creating Propaganda

Submitted by Dayna Laber


Students will:
· Recognize and analyze techniques that are used to attract consumers' attention in advertisement.
· Create persuasive phases for use in both product and invention advertisements.

Students will :
· Recognize how the polite form, formal form of saying "you" is often used in advertisements in Spanish.

Language: Content Obligatory
Students will:
· Use new vocabulary related to the lesson such as: el invento, la invencion, el anuncio, el aviso, el producto, inventar, convencer, sugerir, publicar, la propaganda, la persuasión, persuadir, persuadirse, el valor, y valorar.
· Understand the definition of the following terms:

· Causa triunfante: Sugiere que todo el mundo ya tiene un producto y que usted lo tiene que conseguir también. Si usted compra este producto, su vida cambiará para mejorar.
Worldy Cause: Suggests that everyone already uses a product and that you also need to buy it.

· Palabras sugerentes: Palabras que traten de convencer a una persona que deben comprar un producto. Las palabras sugerentes ponen un valor muy atractivo al producto.
Persuasive wording: Words or phrases that try to convince a person to buy a product. They make a product look very attractive.

Language: Content Compatible
Students will:
· Recognize and be able to correctly write commands.
· Use pronouns and possessives correctly when creating advertisements. (tú y usted) (tu y su)
· Students will show verb agreement when writing advertisements and use correct spelling.

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will:
· Apply technology skills to help create an advertisement for the invention.
· Work cooperatively in small groups.
· Be an effective audience as well as presenter to his/her classmates.

Time Frame:

ยท Two in-class sessions; 45 minutes to one hour each

Materials Needed:

· Examples of advertisements cut out from Spanish magazines
· Photos or examples of various consumer products

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

First session:
The teacher shows students an example of an advertisement in Spanish using the overhead. The teacher asks if there are any words or expressions which try to convince the consumer to buy the product or favorably value the product. The class identifies the examples together and the teacher introduces the concept of "persuasive wording (palabras sugerentes)". The class will pay particular attention to the verb conjugations and which pronouns and possessives are used the advertisement.

The teacher then either changes the example on the overhead or uses the same advertisement example. The teacher asks the class to brainstorm any patterns or common phrases they may have found in the advertisements they analyzed. Then the teacher asks if there are any words or expressions that state that everyone in the world already has this product except for you. Once the class identifies examples, the teacher introduces the concept of "worldly cause (causa triunfante)". Once again particular attention is made to grammar.

The teacher divides the class into small cooperative groups with 4 - 6 students. Each group is given various examples of advertisements from magazines to analyze.

Each group completes a handout with examples of "palabras sugerentes" and "causa triunfante" that they find in the advertisements they are given (Handout: Analyzing Propaganda). They also identify any commands and sentences using the "Usted" form instead of the familiar "Tú".

Once each advertisement has been examined, each student in the class presents one magazine sample to the rest of the class and explains the use of "palabras sugerentes" and/or "causa triunfante" in his/her advertisement. They also name any commands or verbs using "usted" they may encounter.

Second Session
After reviewing some examples of "palabras sugerentes" and "causa triunfante", students are provided with pictures or samples of products to which they are familiar. Then they are asked to create an advertisement for that product using both "palabras sugerentes" and "causa triunfante". Once their advertisements are complete, the students present their product with either the whole class or in small groups. Classmates evaluate whether they would be persuaded to purchase the product based on the "palabras sugerentes" and "causa triunfante" written in the advertisement. The classmates may give suggestions for changes to the propaganda.


Assessment of First Session
Informal assessment occurs throughout the session and when the students present the advertisement of their choice. Teacher could use a checklist to ensure that all concepts were presented from each group.

+   Few mistakes throughout
Occasional mistakes throughout
-   Consistent mistakes throughout

Assessment of Second Session
The teacher will read each student's advertisement and evaluate the following: Correct conjugation of verbs, correct sentence structure and spelling, and presence of "palabras sugerentes" and "causa triunfante".

References and Resources:

Print Artist, Sierra on-Line Inc. 1996

Spanish Commercials Video, Teachers Discovery: Auburn Hills MI, 1998. (20 minutes) (To order: 1-800-684-4934)
This is a Spanish video of commercials that can be used in the classroom to help analyze propaganda and learn new vocabulary. Topics include candy, cereal, soap, cars, fast food restaurants, and phone systems.


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Analyzing Propaganda