Myths, Stories, and Legends
German - Lesson 2 - Fairy Tale Analysis

Submitted by Connie Nelson, Tony Kienitz


Students will:

  • read Haensel und Grethel in both English and German
  • draw 3 conclusions from the German version and provide evidence for those conclusions on the Fairy Tale Anaylysis worksheet provided
  • explore the relationship between the original fairy tales and modern-day versions

Students will:

  • analyze the German version of the tale for evidence of cultural values/biases

Language: Content Obligatory
Students will:

  • learn the key vocabulary that allows access into the text
  • continue reviewing/learning the past tense structures used in narration in German "imperfect" and "present/past perfect"

Language: Content Compatible

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will:

  • practice reading skills and strategies
  • practice analytical thinking skills: reasoning, evidence, conclusion
  • work cooperatively in small groups
  • prepare and present to the French class a short version of the tale (in German), and an analyis of cultural differences (in English).

Time Frame:

5-7 days

Materials Needed:

  • German and English versions of Haensel und Grethel
    *note - our students read this story in English as part of their Language Arts classes and that is how we are able to use this comparative structure. You could provide the same English version we use. It comes from "The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales." New York: Gramercy Books, 1981
  • Fairy Tale Analysis Worksheet (attached)
  • poster paper and marking pens for illustrating tale

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Students are given the Fairy Tale Analysis Worksheet and given the following instructions:

  • Read carefully an original version of the fairy tale and draw at least 3 conclusions about morals or ideas presented in the story.
  • Provide at least 2 pieces of evidence for each conclusion and be prepared to discuss your reasoning, i.e. how did you reach that conclusion based on your evidence?
  • Also, analyze the story for any cultural biases or influences.
  • Ask yourselves, "What is different about this version from the version I am familiar with?" or "What was happening culturally / historically at the time this story was written that might affect the way in which it was written?"

The attached 'Fairy Tale Analysis Worksheet' has a sample analysis done for the German version of 'Hansel and Grethel' which you can use as an example for the students. It may be better to take a different fairy tale and do an analysis together as a class before they do their own analysis.


- Completion of Fairy Tale Analysis Worksheet
- Presentation of analysis to French classes

References and Resources:

Darnton, R. (1985). The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History. New York, NY: Vintage Books.

Perrault, Peasants tell tales excerpt from:
Darnton, R. (1985). The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History. New York, NY: Vintage Books. 


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

Fairy Tale Analysis Sheet - blank template for students

Fairy Tale Analysis Example - filled in example