Analytic rubric for role plays and interviews
Post-secondary, Year 1

 Communicative Success (Would a listener accustomed to the speech of learners understand?)
A 6 / 5.5 Understand all of the message.
A- 5 Understand the general message and most of the details.
B 4.5 Understand general message, but only some of the details.
C 4 Have some idea of the general message, but would not be sure to have understood.
D-F 3.5 - 0 Do not understand what the speaker is trying to say.
 Pronunciation & Fluency
A 6 / 5.5 Speech is smooth; speaker is comfortable and confident in use of the language. No mispronunciation that would interfere with comprehension by a sympathetic native speaker.
A- 5 Speech is occasionally hesitant; some rephrasing. Mispronunciation causing misunderstanding occurs only rarely.
B 4.5 Speech is hesitant (e.g. frequent rephrasing, sentences left unfinished, long pauses). Several misunderstandings arise from mispronunciation of words or errors in intonation.
C 4 Speech hesitant and choppy; conversation is almost impossible. Mispronunciation and inaccurate stress make understanding difficult. Has to repeat a lot to be understood; OR not enough speech to evaluate.
D-F 3.5 - 0 Speech limited to isolated words, or mispronunciation makes comprehension impossible.
A 6 / 5.5 Shows control of a wide range of the vocabulary taught in class and always uses this vocabulary appropriately.
A- 5 Shows control of an adequate range of the vocabulary taught in class and most often uses this vocabulary appropriately.
B 4.5 Some control of new vocabulary, but relies on fixed expressions/basic vocabulary or uses vocabulary inappropriately.
C 4 Shows very limited control of the vocabulary taught, making discussion of related topics extremely difficult; OR not enough speech to evaluate.
D-F 3.5 - 0 Shows no command of the vocabulary taught, making communication impossible.
A 6 / 5.5 Shows consistent control of the structures taught in class and communication is never impeded.
A- 5 Usually controls structures taught in class.
B 4.5 Shows partial control of structures taught in class.
C 4 Speech is very difficult to understand due to lack of control of structures taught; OR not enough speech to evaluate.
D-F 3.5 - 0 Extreme lack of control of structures taught in class.
 Role Plays/Interviews (Does it sound like a real conversation?)
A 6 / 5.5 Exchange is well-connected and appropriate to the topic and situation. Amount of time spent conversing is appropriate for the task assigned and the topic is adequately covered.
A- 5 Exchange is usually well-connected and appropriate to the topic and situation.
B 4.5 Some misunderstandings occur because discourse is not sufficiently connected or conversation is not always appropriate to the topic and situation; or speaker(s) does not maintain conversation for assigned length of time and needs to be told to continue.
C 4 Misunderstandings frequently occur between participants because discourse is not connected; or conversation is often inappropriate to topic or situation.
D-F 3.5 - 0 Exchange is not connected (many non-sequiturs; speaker unable to hold up his/her end of the conversation); or conversation is entirely inappropriate to topic or situation.

Department of French and Italian, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota


Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414