Figure 2. Task-specific Rubric for a Presentational Writing Task:
“Visiting Monuments in Paris” - Intermediate Level

Strong Performance Meets Expectations Approaching Expectations
Use of past tenses
(Domains: Functions, Language Control)

Past and imperfect tenses are used appropriately, and forms of all verbs are accurately spelled. Any error in choice of tense/spelling is minor and infrequent, and does not interfere with understanding. Past and imperfect tenses are used appropriately most of the time. Verb forms are accurately spelled most of the time. Errors do not interfere with understanding. Choice of past and imperfect tenses is inappropriate in several sentences and/or several verb forms are misspelled. Errors make understanding difficult at times.
Use of story form
(Domain: Text type)

Story is well-organized with descriptions and details to add interest. A variety of sequencing words are used to connect the events of the story appropriately. Story is well-organized with some descriptions and/or details to add interest. Sequencing words are used to connect the events of the story. Story is a list of sentences loosely connected with some sequencing words.
Use of cultural knowledge
(Domain: Cultural Awareness)

Incorporates extensive and correct knowledge of current and historical significance of all monuments pictured. Incorporates correct knowledge of current and historical significance of all monuments pictured. Incorporates a minimal amount of correct knowledge of current and/or historical significance of all monuments pictured.


Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414