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Paper Session: Attrition in Four Midwest Elementary Immersion Schools
Friday, October 22, 11 - Noon, Room: Coffman 
Margaret Rigaud, Edina Public Schools

Although some level of student withdrawal is expected in public schooling, in immersion schools attrition rates can have a negative impact at the district, school, and classroom levels. This study examines the rates of student withdrawal in four Midwest elementary immersion schools over a ten-year period, noting trends over time and the timing of student transfers. These rates are also compared to the withdrawal rates of same-district matched schools and to district mobility rates.

Discussion Session: Beyond Elementary Immersion: Key Issues at the Middle and High School Levels
Friday, October 22, 11 - Noon, Room: Faculty 
Barbara Anderson, Edina High School
Kimberly Caster, Edina High School
Elizabeth Chaigne, Valley View Middle School
Gerry Lukaska, Valley View Middle School
Martha Johnson, Highland Park Senior High

What are some key issues related to middle and high school level students who come from elementary immersion programs? A variety of questions will be discussed based on participant interest. Some key issues include: which courses will be taught; curriculum development; funding; student participation and motivation; attrition and late entries; staffing (licensing and training); admission and transportation policies; student scheduling; teaming; L2 status; elimination of fossilized errors; development of language production skills; and parent involvement.

Paper Session: Immersion Programs: Closing the Gap Between Majority and Minority Students
Friday, October 22, 11 - Noon, Room: Northrup 
Gerald Arthur, Lindley Elementary, Fort Wayne Community Schools
Maria Sanchez, Lindley Elementary, Fort Wayne Community Schools
Flor Barron, Lindley Elementary, Fort Wayne Community Schools

The Spanish partial-immersion program at Lindley Elementary in Fort Wayne, IN, has successfully closed the academic performance gap on third grade state assessment testing between Caucasian, African-American, and Hispanic students. Based on third grade standardized test results, minority students have consistently performed well on those tests compared to majority students. In some years both Hispanics and African-American students have scored higher than majority students in English language arts and math portions of the standardized tests.

Paper Session: Independent Student Work In the Flexible Reading Classroom
Friday, October 22, 11 - Noon, Room: Regents 
Isabelle Punchard, Edina Public Schools K-12

What activities can students engage in independently that promote their language development while the teacher leads a Flexible/Guided Reading group? We will look at the structure of a flexible reading classroom, the role of the teacher and teaching assistant, and the types of independent workstations teachers can set up in their elementary classroom to help students practice the skills and strategies learned in class. Much of the presentation will focus on descriptions of independent activities that promote vocabulary development and literacy skills in students. Examples will be in English and French.

Paper Session: Intentional Language Development in the Immersion Classroom
Friday, October 22, 11 - Noon, Room: Presidents 
Kim Wieber du Saire, Park Spanish Immersion

Lessons that focus on language development are important to student mastery of the target language. This workshop discusses practical techniques for increasing students' use and knowledge of the target language by expanding on the strategies of surrounding students with language, providing students with basic phrases, increasing vocabulary, and empowering students to speak in the target language. Educators will be provided with practical strategies, activities, and materials that can be used easily in classrooms.

Paper Session: Learning By Doing-It's the Immersion Way
Friday, October 22, 11 - Noon, Room: Alumni 
Donna Gouin, Montgomery County Public Schools, Sligo Creek E.S.
Anne Bernoux, Montgomery County Public Schools, Sligo Creek E.S.

This session will present interactive activities that a first grade immersion teacher in the Montgomery County, Maryland, French immersion program has created to teach the content of the curriculum while developing the target language.

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414