Yo soy el agua
Lesson 01:Yo soy el agua (I Am Water)

Submitted by Mary Bartolini


Students will:

  • Demonstrate prior knowledge about water.
  • Identify different water representations
  • Recognize various places where water can be found.


Language: Content Obligatory
Students will:

  • Use appropriate nouns and articles (el mar, la lluvia, la fuente, la bañera,
    la cocina, el río, el hielo, la nieve, la piscina, la niebla, el charco, el lago
    ) and impersonal form of the verb haber or first person singular of the verb encontrar to name different places where water is present (example: Hay agua en ... [there is water in...]; Yo encuentro agua en ... [I find water in ...])

Language: Content Compatible
Students will:

  • use saber (to know) to express their knowledge about water with the expression nosotros sabemos que ... (I know that...)
  • Use the first person plural of the verb querer (to want) to express what they want to know with nosotros queremos saber... (I want to know...)
  • Use the conditional si and the first person plural of basic verbs to express how are they going to learn about the topic with nosotros aprenderemos si escuchamos/si leemos/si miramos/si atendemos/si preguntamos.
  • Use simple questions to find a partner (¿quién eres tú? [Who are you?] Eres tú el hielo/el río? [Are you the ice/the river?])
  • Make affirmative and negative sentences using the first person singular of the verb ser (to be) to name different forms of water with Yo soy el hielo / yo soy la lluvia or No, yo no soy el hielo / No, yo no soy la lluvia

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will:

  • Activate background knowledge.
  • Ask questions to find a partner.
  • Work cooperatively in pairs.

Time Frame:

Day 1 (one 45-minute period)

Materials Needed:

  • KWHL chart (Spanish adaptation - see handouts below)
  • KWHL chart using Inspiration (see attachments below)
  • Written song and song poster (see handouts below)
  • Color code flashcards for gender (see attachments below)( yellow card for feminine nouns, green card for masculine nouns)
  • Markers, color pencils, crayons, paper.
  • Marzollo, J. (1999) Soy el agua. Broadway, NY: Scholastic, Inc.

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Preview Phase:

Teacher writes down students’ ideas about water in a KWHL chart.

  • In a whole class format, students brainstorm and list what they already know about water.
  • Then, students formulate questions or statements about what they want to learn or want to know about water.
  • Finally students list same activities that would be necessary in order to learn about the topic like to pay attention, to listen, to experiment, to ask.

This KWHL chart should remain in a visible place during the development of the unit. It would be very beneficial to refer to the chart during future lessons.

* This activity could be done using Inspiration or Kidspiration. With this program you can create a KWHL chart using pictures and words. You can connect your computer to your television and all the class would observe the chart (see attachment and handout).

Focused Learning Phase:

Teacher reads the book Soy el agua (I am water).

* If some students are able to read the book by themselves, maybe one of them could be the reader.

Teacher asks comprehension questions like ¿Cuál es el título del libro? (What’s the title of the book?) ¿De qué nos habla el libro? (What is the book about?) ¿Qué nos dice sobre el agua? (What does it tell us about water?) and writes down the answers.

Teacher ask the question ¿Dónde hay agua? ¿Dónde encuentro agua? (Where is/do you find water?) and as the answers are given he/she revisits the specific pages of the book for verification.

Teacher adds the new ideas to the KWHL chart.

Expansion Phase:

Students sing the song Yo soy el agua (I am water).
Teacher shows the song poster and gives directions for the activity:

  • Each student receives a flashcard with different forms of water (la lluvia, el mar, el río, el lago, la nieve, el hielo, el charco, la fuente, la bañera, la piscina).
  • Students take turns to present the card saying Yo soy... (yo soy la lluvia/ yo soy el lago/ yo soy el hielo).
  • Students look for partners with the same water representation by asking ¿Quién eres tú? or ¿Eres tú el hielo/el río/la lluvia? (Who are you? Are you ice, the river, rain?)
  • Students who have the same picture form pairs and get ready to sing by raising their cards.

* The song follows the rhythm of Arroz con leche (see handout and reference below).
* It is a good resource to have a folder of poems and songs. Students could decorate and file the printed material throughout the year.


During the KWPL graphic organizer activity and the reading activity, the teacher informally observes students to check comprehension and language use.

References and Resources:

Marzollo, J. (1999). Soy el agua. Broadway, NY:Scholastic, Inc.

To make a KWHL chart teachers can use:

To obtain different pictures for the unit:


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

KWPL chart (graphic - jpg from Inspiration)

Tarjetas (Word doc with graphics)

Canción: Yo soy el agua
KWPL Handout