Celebrations and Traditions
El Día de los Muertos

Submitted by Aaron Arredondo


Students will...

  • identify Mexico, Central America, and South America on the map
  • demonstrate understanding of the story by drawing a picture and writing a corresponding sentence

Students will...

  • gain an appreciation for the holiday known as el día de los muertos that is practiced in Mexico, Central America, and South America
  • identify the products and practices most commonly associated with this holiday
  • begin to develop sensitivity to issues related to death through cultural diversity

Language: Content Obligatory
Students will...

  • demonstrate understanding of key vocabulary words: el día de los muertos, el altar, el papel picado, las calaveras de dulce
  • use key nouns (Pablo, las hermanas, la mamá, el papá, la abuela) and verbs (tener, estar - present tenses) to retell first part of story.
  • use adverbs of time to correctly identify three parts of the story: primero, después, al final
  • with a partner, use ver (in past tense first person singular form) and three vocabulary words to say things they remember seeing in the first section of the story. For example: Yo ví A, B, y C.

Language: Content Compatible
Students will. . .

  • use the verb gustar (in the past tense first person form) to make statements about the story. For example: A mi me gustó ___. Me gustaron ___ y ___.
  • use accurate article agreement with vocabulary lists
  • use previously learned words to do group work and to follow directions. (compartir, sentarse, escuchar, el lápiz, las crayolas)

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will...

  • recall/retell part of the story with a partner work in small groups to complete assigned work
  • follow classroom rules and procedures.
  • interpret the meaning of new words found in book by using visual cues

Time Frame:

1 class of 45 - 50 minutes

Materials Needed:

  • large map of the United States, Central America, and South America
  • book Pablo Recuerda by Jorge Ancona Díaz
  • blank paper, pencils, color crayons, and markers
  • activity sheets to color

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Teacher asks if anyone has ever been to Mexico. He then asks for someone to locate Mexico on the map and asks for another volunteer to write the word Mexico on the board. He reminds them that they will be discussing Celebrations and Traditions and that they are going to hear a story about a boy named Pablo and his grandmother.

Teacher asks them if they have ever lost someone close to them and how that made them feel.  Teacher will say, Me pueden decir: Me sentí muy triste. Me sentí mal. O puedes usar estas frases: Lloré muchísmo. Quería llorar.  O no estaba contento/a. No estaba feliz. Although use of the L2 will be encouraged, the students will be allowed to express themselves in the L1.

Through the use of a concept map, the students brainstorm ideas on how to honor or remember loved ones that are no longer here with us. Although use of the target language (Spanish) is encouraged, it is not required at this time.

During Task:
Teacher begins reading first section of Pablo Recuerda and checks for comprehension as he reads. After first section is finished, teacher closes book and tells class that Part 2 will be heard tomorrow. Teacher asks questions: ¿Cómo comenzó el cuento?  ¿Y después qué pasó? ¿Cómo terminó la primera parte?  By asking these questions, teacher is able to check comprehension.

Teacher writes key words from their responses on board: primero, después, al final. The students are asked to choose partners in order to continue class work. Teacher asks the partners to share three things they remember seeing in the story. Primero yo ví A. Al final, yo ví C. is how the students should respond. Yo ví A, B, y C. will also be accepted. Again, key vocabulary words will be written on the board by teacher.

When they are finished, they will be dismissed to their cooperative groups to draw a picture of what they saw and to write a corresponding sentence. Teaching Assistant and parent volunteers will help them type the sentence on computer to make class book. If necessary, they may look at board to help with the writing activity.

Those that finish quicker may visit the classroom computers (two students per computer/ four computers in class) to view images of el día de los muertos and then color an independent worksheet (See attachment).


During group work, teacher circulates and checks written work the students are producing. He also asks each child: ¿Qué era tu parte favorita? (What was your favorite part?) A mí me gustó _____ or Me gustaron _____. This is how each child will begin their response.

References and Resources:

Díaz, J. A. (1993)  Pablo recuerda: La fiesta del día de los muertos. HarperCollins Children's Books.
Out of print?   Try used books from Barnes and Noble in English or in Spanish or from

To learn more about el día de los muertos, visit


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

Calavera mask downloaded from internet
Download the "education packet" which includes the mask