De Minnesota a Michoacán: La migración de las Mariposas Monarca
Unit Assessment

Submitted by Jennifer Christiansen

Time Frame:

5 50-minute periods

Materials Needed:

  • computers with Hyperstudio, KidPix or Appleworks software
  • reference materials on monarchs
  • Project Checklist (see Attachments below)
  • Project Rubric (see Attachments)

Description of Task:

Each pair of students will create an electronic diary which describes a monarch's migratory route from Minnesota to Mexico in the form of a hyperstudio slide show.

Before giving students the checklist, brainstorm a list of questions as a class that they would ask someone who had just gotten back from a trip. The diary needs to be told from the first person point of view of the monarch and needs to include the following information:

  • Describe diet and habitat along the way
  • Mention the starting and stopping points and the approximate number of miles traveled
  • Tell about problems/enemies that the butterfly may have encountered on the journey, what was done to overcome those problems and what could be done to avoid those problems in the future
  • Explain why she decided to migrate and tells how she knew where to go
  • Include pictures collected from along the journey (Picture of butterfly habitat in MN, along the way and in Mexico)
  • Include interesting facts discovered along the journey
  • Show map tracing migratory route

References and Resources:



NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

Project checklist

Project Rubric