De Minnesota a Michoacán: La migración de las Mariposas Monarca
Lesson 02 La Magia de la Migración

Submitted by Jennifer Christiansen


Students will:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of why and when monarchs migrate to Mexico.


Language: Content Obligatory
Students will:

  • Use descriptive language to write about the sights and sounds from the video. (Adjectives: delicadas, suspendidas, ligeras, pequeñas, hermosas, anaranjadas. Nouns: las hadas, la naturaleza, la belleza).

Language: Content Compatible
Students will:

  • Use the singular and plural present progressive tense of verbs with estar) to describe their observations from the video tape (está(n) volando, está(n) bailando, está(n) subiendo, está(n) bajando, está(n) flotando, bailando, viajando, migrando, buscando, descansando, girando, moviéndose, migrando, comiendo, moviendo agitando, revoloteando, agrupándose, pegándose, girando, dando vueltas, zambulliéndose).

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will:

  • Use a graphic organizer to take notes of sights, sounds and feelings while viewing a video of migrating monarchs.
  • Work cooperatively with a partner to complete the assigned task.

Time Frame:

Two-three 50-minute periods

Materials Needed:

  • VCR
  • Mariposas videotape (see Resources below)
  • post-it notes
  • chart paper for word lists
  • markers
  • concept map (see Attachments below)
  • animal picture cards of migrating and non-migrating animals

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Students will receive picture cards with the names of different animal species. They will work with a partner to sort the animals that migrate from those that do not. Review the answers as a class.

Show students an excerpt of the videotape "Mariposas" in which monarchs migrate to the sanctuary regions in Mexico. Turn off the volume on the tape and have students work in pairs to record the sights, sounds, and feelings that they imagine a butterfly would experience on a concept map.

Introduce the third person singular and plural tenses with several examples of possible answers (Las mariposas están volando en el cielo. Está descansando en las ramas de los árboles. Están buscando comida.)

Have students highlight 1-2 words or phrases that they will share will the class. Give each student post it notes on which to write down those words and use them to create a class word bank of nouns, adjectives and verbs which students will refer to when they write their poems.

Post-task: Review the format of a haiku poem by writing a class poem about the school or another subject which the students know well.
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
Have each student use the words and phrases to write a haiku about the monarch.


Students' haiku poems will be collected.

References and Resources:

La Leyenda. 2000. [Video tape], Bramaro Films, Mexico City. (Or another video tape showing monarch sanctuaries and migration),


Dirigido por Pacho Lane
Un viaje a las mariposas monarca (57 minutos), nos lleva al Santuario de las mariposas de El Rosario, municipio de Angangueo, Michoacán. Allá conocemos ampliamente el Santuario, y la vida de estos insectos maravillosos.


NOTE: some attachments are in PDF form (get Acrobat Reader)

Sights, sounds, and feelings concept map