Las formas geométricas
Lesson 5 ¿Cómo es tu forma? (Describe Your Shape)

Submitted by Kim Wieber duSaire


Students will ...

  • demonstrate their knowledge of a shape by describing it in writing.


Language: Content Obligatory
Students will...

  • use the following phrases to name shapes: "Yo veo un ______.", "Yo encontré un _____."
  • demonstrate their knowledge of adjective agreement by describing the shapes with adjectives such as grande, pequeño, largo, corto or colors; e.g. "El círculo es rojo." or " El rectángulo es largo."
  • include in their writing more information about vertices, sides, and angles, e.g. "El cuadrado tiene cuatro vertices."or " El rectángulo tiene dos lados largos y dos lados cortos."

Language: Content Compatible
Students will ...

  • use "Me puede(s) ayudar por favor?" to ask for assistance when needed.
  • demonstrate knowledge of sentence structure by writing a complete simple sentence.
  • demonstrate knowledge of shape names by spelling them correctly.
  • demonstrate understanding of letras mayusculas y minusculas and punto by including these components in their sentences.

Learning Strategies / Social and Skills Development:
Students will...

  • demonstrate handwriting skills by writing the letters correctly and neatly.

Time Frame:

One class period of 60 minutes

Materials Needed:

  • photographs from previous lesson
  • flashcards or a poster with shapes and their names
  • list of adjectives used to describe shapes
  • lined paper
  • pencils
  • shape blocks
  • puzzle pages
  • computer lab

Description of Assessment (Performance Project):

Each student will be writing about the shape in his or her photograph. This is most easily done by working with students in small groups. Have students think about the shape with which they were photographed. Ask them to think about two words to describe their shape.

They then write about the shape by filling in the blanks in the two sentences: Yo veo un __________ and El _(shape)_ es _(adj.)_. Students capable of doing so should be encouraged to add another adjective to the second sentence or to write another sentence.

Mix up the students from each group into new groups. Lay out the photos for each new group together.  Have students read their sentences to each other and identify which photo is being described. 



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