Rubric for Brochure




 Language Use




Accurate. Addressed all sections requested. Information is engaging Text fully comprehensible. Grammar and mechanics learned in the unit  are accurate.  Excellent usage of learned vocabulary from this unit. Included  all drafts used in class  that  provided information for the final project . Editing and peer feedback are evident. in final draft.


 Accurate. Included most of the sections requested. Information is somewhat engaging Text mostly comprehensible. Grammar and mechanics learned in the unit  are somewhat accurate. Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary learned in this unit.   Included most drafts used in class that provided information for the final project . Editing and peer feedback are evident in final draft.


Mostly accurate. Included some of the sections requested. Information is not too engaging Text inconsistently comprehensible. Grammar and mechanics learned in the unit are seldom present.  Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary. learned in this unit. Included some drafts used in class that provided information for the final project. Editing and peer feedback are not found in final draft.


Rarely accurate and did  not include all sections requested. Information is not engaging  Text barely comprehensible. Grammar and mechanics  learned  in the unit are inaccurate or missing. Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary learned in this . No usage of learned vocabulary.  Did not Include drafts that provided information for the final project. There is not evidence of editing or peer feedback.