Final Project Rubric - evaluation for the final project


Rubric for Final Project—Stereotypes of the French

Non-negotiable items:

____ All members of the group participate in the preparation and presentation.

____ All required components of the presentation are included.

____ A minimum of nine PowerPoint slides are used.

____ Individual description of contribution to the group effort is submitted (in English).



Organization, Presentation and Visuals

Communication of key concepts

Vocabulary and Language Use

Pronunciation, Fluency, Eye Contact

Participation and Group Work


Well-developed and organized presentation; listeners are able to follow along easily. Excellent use of visuals to enhance the content of the presentation.

Presentation reflects strong understanding of the key concepts related to stereotypes. Examples clearly illustrate the concepts.

Use of a wide range of topic-specific vocabulary; clear communication of ideas; mostly accurate use of tenses, word order. Some compound sentences included.

Pronunciation and intonation are level-appropriate; smooth and fluent speech indicates evidence of rehearsal; excellent eye contact with the audience.

Each group member assumes an equal and active role in the preparation and presentation.


Developed and organized presentation; listeners can follow most of the report without difficulty. Visuals mostly enhance the content of the presentation.

Presentation reflects good understanding of the key concepts related to stereotypes. Examples generally illustrate the concepts.

Use of a good range of topic-specific vocabulary; good communication of ideas; good control of tenses, word order. Some compound sentences attempted.

Always intelligible, though there may be a noticeable accent and lapses in intonation. Speech mostly smooth, reflecting some rehearsal. Eyes mostly focused on audience.

Each group member assumes a role, though some members appear more active or responsible for a majority of the work.


Development and organization of the presentation are uneven; important links may be missing and it is difficult for listeners to follow. Visuals seem peripheral and aren’t well integrated.

Presentation reflects some understanding of the key concepts related to stereotypes. Examples do not always clearly illustrate the concepts.

Lacking some critical topic-specific vocabulary; limited range of words; errors in tenses and word order at times impede understanding. Only simple sentences are included.

Pronunciation problems partially impede comprehensibility; speech is hesitant, showing little evidence of rehearsal (some reading of slides). Eyes focus more on notes rather than on audience.

Uneven participation among group members; some students are passive and contribute little to the presentation.


Presentation is undeveloped and unorganized and disconnected, making it very difficult for listeners to follow. Visuals are lacking, are not integrated, or do not support the presentation.

Presentation does not reflect understanding of key concepts related to stereotypes. Examples are lacking.

Vocabulary is limited and at times inappropriate, which occasionally impedes comprehension. Consistently inaccurate use of tenses and word order. Incomplete sentences used.

Very difficult to follow due to pronunciation problems; speech is slow with many pauses, showing no evidence of rehearsal (slides mostly read). Eyes focus on slides and notes.

Some students hardly participate; no effort made to distribute work among all group members.