Attachment 2: Expression Exercises

Expression Exercises

第3課 読み物 留学情報  


l.10      申し込む学生が多けれ多いほど、選ばれるのが難しくなる。

                                       V/A(conditional)V/A (plain)ほど=’The more/less~, the more/less~’

                (The more students there are who apply, the more difficult it is to be selected.)


l.14      交換プログラム以外の大学            cf. 教科書以外に買うものがある。

          N      以外の                            N      以外に V = ‘other than~; besides~’

     (other than universities with exchange programs)     (there are many things to buy besides textbooks.)


l.18-19 必ずしも同じ数の単位がもらえるというわけでもない

                必ずしも……………………………というわけではない=’It does not necessarily mean that…’

                (It is not necessarily the case that students can receive the same number of credits.)


l.24      留学生ばかり

                      N     ばかり=’nothing but ~’

                (nothing but international students)


l.27      留学生は、日本ではなるべくホームステイをすべきだ。

              なるべく=’as ~ as possible’  V(plain)べき=’should; ought to’

                (In Japan, international students should stay with host families as much as possible.)




Complete the sentences using the appropriate forms.







