Rubric for the writing (about a classmate)








 1. Content Incoherent or wildly inappropriate Little effort to make content significant to composition Somewhat careless development of data relevant to content Generally good, some facts unsupported repetitions Significant interesting appropriate to assignment, well thought out
 2. Impact No effort to maintain audience’s attention Begins to make choices of a phrase, image, or content to maintain the attention of the audience Make choices of a phrase, image, or content to maintain the attention of the audience Motivates audience to keep reading; personalized to maintain or reengage audience Varies styles in order to maintain attention of audience
 3. Style and Organization Garbled, no evidence of planning in structure Errors and/or inappropriate syntax, hard to follow, poorly organized Errors, but attempts at sophistication & organization, some topic development Clear, appropriate and sophisticated, good evidence of structure Skilled & varied use of syntax, clear topic and summary sentences, convincing, easy to follow
 4. Accuracy of Language Unintelligible One or more major blocks to communication Substantial and/or significant errors Comprehensible, some errors Fluent with moments of elegance, few errors

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