LCTL > Developing Materials

Unit 2: Using Literature, Part C

Before you watch:

What is the goal of language learning?
Once your learners know some of the language you teach, what will they do with it, if anything? Should your answer to this question affect your choice of texts and activities in the classroom?

After you watch:

Bill says that our goal as teachers should be to "improve our students' quality of experience in the classroom” (an idea taken from Dick Allwright). Do you agree? How might such a perspective affect our choice of materials and activities?

Hangtae points out the constraints of evaluation that many teachers work around. Do you have some “wiggle room,” as Bill puts it, for the kinds of activities shown in these videos? How might the principles underlying these activities change your views on how language learning is assessed?


For additional information about this topic, please see the "Further Resources" section.

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